
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Discount for 5 tickets

Discount for 5 tickets

Posted: April 8, 2013 at 3:58 pm

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Joanne Hofinger

April 8, 2013 at 3:58 pm

i have a coupon for $25 off when they buy qty of 5

first is this even possible? second i’m not really sure where i can see it is …cause i can’t define. more than 5.

second…even if it’s not possible..i still don’t see that this is working.

if i go here:

(summer art in the park event)

and enter a qty of 5

it refreshes to $125 which is correct but then when i apply the coupon code: loveart

it goes to $0

please help. thx

  • This topic was modified 11 years, 11 months ago by Dean. Reason: added a title


April 9, 2013 at 12:33 am

Hello Joanne,

First off the coupon and promotional codes don’t work with conditional logic, so if you discount code gives $25 off, then it will do so whether the user has one ticket in their cart or 100.

Secondly, heres a little bit of info about the codes used as you have both types listed:

Promotional codes – offer a flat fee/percentage discount per ticket and can be reused.

Social Coupon (groupon codes) – offer an 100% discount and are single use only.

You may not want both active at the same time as it can be confusing as to where to put the code.

So, you are offering $25 tickets but discounting them by $25.

What I would suggest is trying the volume discount add on (available via the Pre Release section on your account page). What this can do is set up a discount so if they purchase 5 or more tickets in one go, they get given the discount. No code required.

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