Hi There.. how can I hide emails from additional attendees in the multi attendee booking page, so it just shows first name and last name for each additional attendee.
This topic was modified 12 years ago by Dean. Reason: added a title
It will probably help if I show you… basically I have an event with multi attendees: http://www.chelseaquavers.com/booking/ if you click on the top left event which is in testing.
When you add lets say 3 attendees to this event then go to the attendee details page, in an ideal world I want:
each attendee to show just “child name” and “child DOB”
the page to have a single email address for the parent
the page to have a first name and last name field of the parent.
OBviously though what is easiest is if I make the attendee 1 have the parent info included into, and just rename the default “email” to be called “Parent Email”. However, I then need to hide/disable attendee 2 and 3 from having to type in an email address, so their fields are solely just “child name” and “child DOB”.
Currently The only ways around this is to either set it up as a single registration with additional questions for the children or to use some form of jQuery to hide the fields you dont want seen.
The reason for this is to have the children as additional attendees we need to take core data – name and email. It is a requirement for the way the plugin works.
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