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No events available…

Posted: April 30, 2014 at 4:41 pm

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Charles Knight

April 30, 2014 at 4:41 pm

Hi All

New installation, one event, one category, like others can see event via registration page etc but event is NOT displayed via sortcode [EVENT_ESPRESSO_CATEGORY event_category_id=”catergory-id”]

Have followed two posts I found on this subject but with no result, pages on general seetings are correct, pages are all green in status and event dates are generated from pop-up calendar.

Have run out of ideas here, any help would be very grateful


Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

April 30, 2014 at 5:21 pm

Hi Charles,

What is the page URL where this shortcode is being used?


Charles Knight

April 30, 2014 at 5:30 pm

Hi Lorenzo

Page url is:

Page shortcode is:

[EVENT_ESPRESSO_CATEGORY event_category_id=”pil2014″]

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

April 30, 2014 at 5:55 pm

Hi Charles,

Could you please enable pretty permalinks through WP-admin –> Settings –> Permalinks? Postname is a good option.

Could you then go to this event in the Event Editor and ensure that it has the correct category associated:

Then save changes.


Charles Knight

April 30, 2014 at 6:09 pm

I have changed permalinks as requested.

I dont understand your next instruction, it might be better if you email direct and I’ll give login details so you can see whats going on, there is also a problem with the calendar which wont jump to the event date, I think this is all part of the same problem.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

April 30, 2014 at 6:15 pm


That category is showing that there are no events linked to it.

Could you go to that event in the Event Editor and double-check that there is a category enabled for that event?

The categories widget appears on the right side of the screen (towards the bottom of the page).


Charles Knight

April 30, 2014 at 6:22 pm

Have checked several times now that event has category selected, have un-selected and updated then re-selected and updated, sample page still shows now event.

Can you login to admin and see whats going on?


  • Support Staff

May 1, 2014 at 4:06 am

Hi Charles,

Can you check the event that shortcode is intended to pull and check the Event start/end dates & Registration start/end dates are in the format YYYY-MM-DD? Using the date selector to input the dates should automatically use the correct format.

If you can provide log in details via this form:

We’ll take a look and see if I can see a reason for this.

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Tony.

Charles Knight

May 1, 2014 at 10:43 am

Hi Tony
All dates on the event were generated via popup calendar.

I have provided login details etc via your online form.

Sidney Harrell

May 1, 2014 at 12:21 pm

It looks like it was a problem with the category. I created a new category with the same name and description but let it auto-generate the category id, changed the shortcode on the sample page to the new category’s id, and it is displaying now.

Charles Knight

May 1, 2014 at 2:48 pm

Thank you for that Sydney.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

May 1, 2014 at 5:04 pm

Hi Charles,

If this issue is resolved, then please go ahead and mark it as resolved.

Thank you.


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