
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium New to EE4 – how to display weekly classes?

New to EE4 – how to display weekly classes?

Posted: October 15, 2014 at 10:59 am

tamara smith

October 15, 2014 at 10:59 am

I have created a class that should be every Monday for 6 weeks. I set the start date and the end date 6 weeks from that date. I now have every day of the calendar filled with that event for 6 weeks when I’d only like the class to be showing once /week. How can I accomplish this?

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

October 15, 2014 at 11:42 am


With that setup, it will be displayed as a continuous class on the calendar.

Option B

Adjust the datetime so it is for week 1. Then duplicate the datetimes 5 more times and update each of them (for a total of six classes). It should look like this:

Class name – week 1
Class name – week 2
Class name – week 3

…and so forth. Then save changes.

Option C

If these classes are not linked together, that is an attendee can go to some of them, then try this method to split up the class into multiple events.

Go to the event in the event editor. Then duplicate the event.

On the new event that was duplicated, change the event time to the second week and update the title as needed:

Event title – week 2

Then duplicate this event and update the information again.

Repeat this process until you have arrived at week 6.


tamara smith

October 15, 2014 at 12:00 pm

Lorenzo – just to be clear, with option B would someone who registered have to register for all 6 weeks separately? Or would a one time registration get them enrolled on all 6 weeks?

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

October 15, 2014 at 2:09 pm


Option B would be one registration since you are editing a single event.

Option C would be 6 different registrations (1 per event/class).

I wasn’t sure if your classes were a “series” where an attendee must attendee all of them so I shared options for both.


tamara smith

October 15, 2014 at 2:32 pm

ok so how about THIS scenario:

I have a 4 week series of 1 class offered on Mondays. I chose option B from above so 1 person could register and be enrolled in all 4 classes without it spreading across my whole calendar.


I’m offering that same class on Tuesdays. If someone wanted to register for the 4 week series on Tuesday they would have to enroll separate from the Monday class. in other words it’s the same class description, etc but offered on different days for different people. So my question is- do I just need to create a whole new event for Tuesdays? Or is there some way to duplicate that 4 week Monday series for another day?

All of my classes will repeat monthly. So class #1 will be 4 Mondays (that’s 1 series) Class #1 is also offered on Tuesdays for other students. And on Fridays. Does that mean I need to create 3 events?

What about month to month? Class #1 is offered in Oct, and again in Nov. and again in Jan.

In EE3 I used Duplicate Event. That kept all my same content but I could then change the dates of the new event, or the day of the week. How can this be accomplished in EE4?!



Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

October 15, 2014 at 2:39 pm


The duplicate button is also available in Event Espresso 4. It appears in the event editor towards the top of the screen where the slug of the event is set.

If you will be using option B (multiple dates for a single event — essentially a “course”), then you can duplicate as needed from month to month.

If you have two courses that are similar such as a Monday and a Tuesday course, then I would still create an event for each. This will make it easier to duplicate these events for future months.


tamara smith

October 15, 2014 at 10:15 pm

Perfect! Thanks!

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