
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium New relation table for venues since EE5?

New relation table for venues since EE5?

Posted: March 22, 2024 at 2:15 am

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March 22, 2024 at 2:15 am

Hi there,
We just upgraded to EE5 last week and I wanted to ask if I saw correctly that there is a new relation table for events and venues.
I just found the migration script and then saw that the venue change is stored in the wp_esp_event_meta table.
So the new table should be the “wp_esp_event_meta” and the old one was “wp_esp_event_venue” is that correct so far?


  • Support Staff

March 22, 2024 at 5:40 am

Hi there,

Yes, thats correct.

The event venue relation is now stored within esp_event_meta, the migration script copies all of the existing event venue relations over from the old table esp_event_venue to esp_event_meta and any new events just use that directly.

Are you not using the model system to pull in venues? Or is this for a custom query?

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