
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium New price options disappear after updating event EE3

New price options disappear after updating event EE3

Posted: November 10, 2016 at 5:35 am

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November 10, 2016 at 5:35 am


My client contacted us yesterday as they were having great difficulty setting up/editing prices for a big ticket launch today.

When adding a ‘new price’ and saving the events, the new price initially showed up on the front end but after coming out of EE and then going back into the event they had disappeared. This is a new problem, the client has been using EE for years. The version running is 3.1.32.P

The only material change is that we have moved their hosting to WP Engine to improve the performance. I have found posts about the caching issues but it has been running fine since May – only this week a problem.

Can anyone help?

They have purchased an upgrade to EE4 but we (or my developer) ran into problems trying to migrate the events and data so we are still running EE3. I’ll post a new topic for help with that!

Many thanks

Nigel (on behalf of Rick Morgan)


  • Support Staff

November 10, 2016 at 7:25 am

Hi Nigel,

The version running is 3.1.32.P

This is most likely the cause of the problem if you are using the latest version of WordPress.

WP 4.2+ introduced some security fixes that caused problems when creating tickets if the ticket name was too long (basically the row was created but nothing actually saved in that row)

If you create a new event and look at the pricing within that event do you have multiple ‘default’ prices?

(You should only have 1 price when you create a new event, any more shows the issue above)


November 10, 2016 at 8:52 am

Hi Tony

Thanks for the reply. I’ll have to check with the client on the “multiple ‘default’ prices question.

However, are you saying we need to update from 3.1.32.P to fix the issue with WP 4.2, we’re actually running WP 4.6.1

We don’t want to work on the site today/tomorrow because of a big ticket launch and big spike in traffic.

I’m also out of the office tomorrow but please keep this topic open.

Many thanks



  • Support Staff

November 10, 2016 at 9:27 am

Hi Nigel,

The change that was made to WP 4.2 is present in WP 4.6. You’ll need to update to current version of EE3.


November 14, 2016 at 10:52 am


Following on from this, I need help with 3 things:

1 Updating EE3

The problem here is that our client’s license is for EE4 and we only have license keys for that. In the WordPress dashboard it says that an update (to EE3) is available but the license key is invalid. How can I resolve this so that we can upgrade EE3 prior to attempting the migration to EE4?

2 Anything we need to request the hosting provider – WP Engine – to do in regards caching. I read some posts about this but am not sure if we actually need to do anything assuming we can upgrade EE3.

3 Then, migrating to EE4 which we tried on a staging site earlier in the year but ran into a lot of difficulty. So, deferred as the site was incredibly busy over the summer.

Basically, attempting to migrate the data caused the events to be duplicated multiple times. Do you have any advice or services that can help us?

It’s a very busy site that is continually taking bookings and so the migration is quite a sensitive issue.

Many thanks


Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

November 14, 2016 at 1:29 pm

Hi Nigel,

Here are the steps to get back on track:

1) Backup your WordPress site

2) Pull a copy of the live site into staging. As you are upgrading from an old version of Event Espresso that is several years old, I recommend testing the migration on the staging site first

3) Get a copy of Event Espresso 3 here:

4) On the staging site, deactivate the old version of Event Espresso 3 and upload and activate the new version above

5) Check the events on the staging site to ensure that things appear to be in order. You should see your events and the pricing should work

6) If things look good, then deactivate Event Espresso 3 and then upload and activate a current version of Event Espresso 4 and then run the migrations and then Event Espresso will move itself out of maintenance mode

Caching does not run on the staging site but it does on the live site.

You should exclude your Event Espresso pages from caching:

For Event Espresso 3, they can be found in Event Espresso –> General Settings –> Pages.

For Event Espresso 4, they can be found in Event Espresso –> General Settings –> Critical pages



November 29, 2016 at 6:22 pm

Hi there,

We’ve cloned the site over to our staging environment and updated to EE4 as per your instructions. It does took a while to migrate the data and it succeeded.

However, we are having the same exact issue as before :

1. On our original EE3 Events, each of the events are re-used every year. Meaning, we only change the registration dates, etc. Upon migrating to EE4, it seems that each event has been broken down into several month/year that has taken place in the past.

Notice the number of events in EE3 is only 81 –>

After migration to EE4, the total number of events went up to 267 –>

2. Our site is composed of several (perhaps around a hundred) pages that is linked to a particular event in EE3. We found that each link after migrating to EE4 were un-usable since the particular ID of the event has changed. Compare two screenshots above. An example of the link to EE3 is

Could you assist us on how to proceed with this?

Best regards,



  • Support Staff

November 30, 2016 at 6:28 am

Notice the number of events in EE3 is only 81 –>

That’s a total of 81 Active and Ongoing events.

After migration to EE4, the total number of events went up to 267 –>

That’s a total of 267 Active, Ongoing, and Expired events.

2. Our site is composed of several (perhaps around a hundred) pages that is linked to a particular event in EE3. We found that each link after migrating to EE4 were un-usable since the particular ID of the event has changed. Compare two screenshots above. An example of the link to EE3 is

You can either change the links and update them to point to the migrated events or set up redirects. The Redirection plugin is recommended as an easy way to set up redirects.


December 1, 2016 at 8:22 pm

Hi Josh,

1.All events have been made “inactive” after the migration. Do we need to re-publish each and every event we have?

2. It seems that all Events’ start dates have all been set to 29 November 2016 which is the date when we migrated from EE3 to EE4. The original start date were not carried over!

3. With regards to the redirection, this doesn’t makes much sense as it’s like manually changing all old EE3 urls to the new EE4 urls. However, the only thing I can see if we do the redirection is that, it won’t hurt our current seo standing. So do you prefer to do a redirection instead of changing links?

4. Attendees seem to have been saved but see the difference in these screenshots (are there any difference with regards to the quota of tickets being sold from EE3 vs EE4)?:

Before :

After :

Let me know your thoughts. We’d like to know if you provide service to help us migrate the data thoroughly and make it functional as EE3 in EE4?


Best regards,

– Mark (Developer)


December 2, 2016 at 6:35 am

Hello guys,

Following my previews reply. We found out more issues that need to be addressed. Let me know if you are keen to take a look on our website with an install of EE3 and our staging site where we did a test migrating EE3 to EE4 so you can compare.

I. EE3 View of an Event in Back-end – screenshot
II. EE4 View of an Event in Back-end – screenshot

1. Take note of the event and registration date. The correct dates is in EE3 screenshot. You’ll notice that in EE4 the event and registration date changed to the date when we did the migration of EE3 to EE4.

2. There are 4 number of tickets in EE3, while in EE4 has only 1.

3. The ticket migrated on EE4 (only one) is not the same or does not belong to any of the tickets being reflected in the originals from EE3. Where does this came from? If you open up other events, you will also see ticket price is incorrect.

4. Email confirmation on EE3, has this been changed to Notifications in EE4?

5. In EE4, events have “Inactive” status. Though sometimes when publishing/updating makes it active, sometimes not
III. EE3 Event Front-end – screenshot
IV. EE4 Event Front-end – screenshot

6. The layout of EE4 is something similar to a blog post, with post metas and comments section. Can this be changed something to what we have in EE3? Refer to screenshot above.

7. The purchase logic is kind of different in EE4, can we have this changed to something similar to EE3 without a need to be redirected to another page for personal information input form and checkout?

8. On EE4 front-end, it shows event has expired or sales has ended even though date has been adjusted to future date.

There’s a lot of things to consider on here, but we need clarity and help to properly transition our site over to EE4. We originally have EE3 license but we didn’t renewed, instead bought the license for EE4. Now we find it un-usable as of the moment as there are inconsistencies on the migration process. We do have an update note at the back-end to update EE3, but since we haven’t fully used or make EE4 functional at the moment, is there a way to give us auto-update for the EE3 version we have?

Thank you.

Best Regards,

– Mark (Developer)


  • Support Staff

December 2, 2016 at 7:49 am

Hi Mark,

I’ll go through your other question shortly (next post) however for this:

We do have an update note at the back-end to update EE3, but since we haven’t fully used or make EE4 functional at the moment, is there a way to give us auto-update for the EE3 version we have?

You can switch your license within your account page, select the corrct license and follow the on screen instructions. to switch your license type.

That will allow auto updates on your site for EE3 (EE3 licenses also have access to EE4 so you can migrate over when ready)


  • Support Staff

December 2, 2016 at 8:53 am

1.All events have been made “inactive” after the migration. Do we need to re-publish each and every event we have?

No, active EE3 events should be active in EE4.

2. It seems that all Events’ start dates have all been set to 29 November 2016 which is the date when we migrated from EE3 to EE4. The original start date were not carried over!

This will likely be linked with 1 as the dates should migrate over.

Something is tripping up the migration on your site which is breaking the datetimes and likely the cause of a lot of the problems you listed after the migration.

3. With regards to the redirection, this doesn’t makes much sense as it’s like manually changing all old EE3 urls to the new EE4 urls. However, the only thing I can see if we do the redirection is that, it won’t hurt our current seo standing. So do you prefer to do a redirection instead of changing links?

EE4 uses a completely different URL structure to EE3 as the Events are now custom post types, its not that the ID’s are different (although they certainly will be) but EE4 events are not pulled in the same way EE3 were.

So you can either alter each of the pages that have the URL hardcoded into them, or setup a redirect for that URL to point to the EE4 event. The latter would be the quickest option.

4. Attendees seem to have been saved but see the difference in these screenshots (are there any difference with regards to the quota of tickets being sold from EE3 vs EE4)?

Tickets do work differently in EE4 but again as something is breaking during the migration its hard to say if those values are correct. EE4 does not show a sold/available column like EE3 did, it just shows the total of Approved registrations for the event.

Migrated registration take this into consideration and should be assigned correctly within the EE4 event… when the migration worked as expected.

1. Take note of the event and registration date. The correct dates is in EE3 screenshot. You’ll notice that in EE4 the event and registration date changed to the date when we did the migration of EE3 to EE4.

That should not be happening.

2. There are 4 number of tickets in EE3, while in EE4 has only 1.
3. The ticket migrated on EE4 (only one) is not the same or does not belong to any of the tickets being reflected in the originals from EE3. Where does this came from? If you open up other events, you will also see ticket price is incorrect.

I’ve linked these 2 together as it sounds like there is an issue with the migration, you should have all tickets from EE3. Where the other comes from I’m not sure as something is obviously breaking during the migration.

4. Email confirmation on EE3, has this been changed to Notifications in EE4?


EE4 uses a completely different ‘messages’ system to EE3. The notifications section allows you to change which message templates are used on specific events.

5. In EE4, events have “Inactive” status. Though sometimes when publishing/updating makes it active, sometimes not

It should depend on the dates/times set within the datetimes for the event, again as there seems to be an issue with the migration this may do strange things.

6. The layout of EE4 is something similar to a blog post, with post metas and comments section. Can this be changed something to what we have in EE3? Refer to screenshot above.

As EE4 events are custom post types they uses your sites theme to output the details. The screenshot you posted is likely from your themes single.php template. It can be edited yes but you will need to create a custom template for EE events however you can not currently have the registration form on the single event page. Which leads onto…

7. The purchase logic is kind of different in EE4, can we have this changed to something similar to EE3 without a need to be redirected to another page for personal information input form and checkout?

EE4 was designed to allow you to select events and then checkout, without the Multi Event Registration Add-on the checkout is always for a single event, but with it it your events site in a ‘cart’ like system and then pass over to the checkout page (we call it Single Page CheckOut – SPCO)

Changing this to include all of the registration step within the single event will take considerable customization to the EE4 checkout process, so whilst possible it is not something we currently support.

8. On EE4 front-end, it shows event has expired or sales has ended even though date has been adjusted to future date.

Again this seems to be an issue with the migration, whatever is happening is breaking the datetimes/tickets and will cause some strange behaviour until fixed.

Let me know if you are keen to take a look on our website with an install of EE3 and our staging site where we did a test migrating EE3 to EE4 so you can compare.

I would like to take a look at this if possible, you can send temporary login details using this form:

Note I will need to view both EE3 and EE4 on that site, your EE3 data is still there so I can de-activate EE4 and activate EE3 again to view it I just want to make you aware beforehand.


December 6, 2016 at 3:08 am

Hi Tony

Thanks for your detailed reply.

My developer Mark is away for a few days but I thought I’d update anyway. As this is getting urgent for my client:

I’m happy to privately send you the logins but just to clarify first:

We have EE3 active on the live site:

We cloned it into a staging environment (in WP Engine) for testing out EE4 migration: – attempted the migration which resulted in the issues as posted by Mark.

If we sent you the login for the staging environment, would you still need access to the live site? If so, should we make a copy for you to work on just to make sure no changes are made to the live site?

It’s very sensitive as the site is taking bookings all the time.

So we don’t want anything ‘pushed’ to the live site until we are sure we can fix all the problems. Then, we’d have to schedule the live migration carefully to make sure no new bookings are taken during the process.

If you could clarify the two questions above then we’ll send the logins.

Many thanks



  • Support Staff

December 6, 2016 at 4:54 am

If we sent you the login for the staging environment, would you still need access to the live site?

No, I do not need access to live site at all, staging is fine as long as I can see your event data.

If so, should we make a copy for you to work on just to make sure no changes are made to the live site?

Make a backup anyway 🙂

In my opinion you can never have to many backups.

So, to be really clear I only need access to staging or even just a temporary site that created from a current backup I do not want to make any changes to the live site at all.


December 6, 2016 at 11:04 am

Many thanks, I’ll set up temporary wp user in the staging site. Unfortunately I don’t have the SFTP credentials until my developer (Mark) returns on Thursday. But hopefully the WP login will suffice.



  • Support Staff

December 8, 2016 at 10:23 am

Hi Nigel,

I spent some time going over your events and setting up similar events locally to test.

The problem with your migration is due to no Reg start/end times and no Event start/end times set in the EE3 events –

Can I ask why you blank those values?

All of your events need those values set for the migration to work correctly, as nothing is currently set within them the events fail to create a datetime which then causes most of the problems your seeing with the current migrations. (No datetimes within the EE4 event means the tickets can no be associated to the event and so are not created)

So the first step to setting up your events to be suitable for migration is to update each EE3 event with a relevant start/end time for both of the above sections. Note this needs to be done within EE3 and then the migration to EE4 re-run as the events in EE4 are currently incorrect.

As you mentioned the site is live and still taking booking you’ll likely need to pull the latest changes from live to staging before running the migrations correct?

You could update the times on staging to confirm the events then work correctly, however when the time comes to migrate live you’ll need to re-do all of those updates to the events for migrations to work. So it would likely be best to update the times on live and repull live down to staging again, that way live remains updated with the changes but can continue taking the registrations and you can test (and possibly re-test if needed) migrations on staging without repeatidly updating the times on the events.


December 14, 2016 at 3:48 am

Hi Tony

Many thanks for this. We’re going to need to do a lot of testing on this so is it ok to keep this thread open?

I have no idea why the client didn’t put the start/end times in. I guess because they found it worked without – they’ve been using EE for years before we got involved!

Just two questions for now. I looked into the staging site and saw you’d reverted it back to EE3. Which is fine because I wanted to test out adding the times.

If I simply re-activate EE4 will it revert to the version we had when we attempted migration or will it reflect the changes ie: start/end times (I’m guessing we’d need to re-run the migration)? I want to show a version of EE4 to the client before we do the work on updating the live site just to make sure they can work with it as there are some other fundamental differences.

Also, I notice now that the event pages are not showing eg: staging:

I’m sure there is a simple answer to this, can you help?

Best wishes



  • Support Staff

December 14, 2016 at 7:29 am

Many thanks for this. We’re going to need to do a lot of testing on this so is it ok to keep this thread open?

No problem at all. Threads automatically close after 2 weeks of no activity, it that happens open a new thread to let us know and we’ll re-open it for you.

I have no idea why the client didn’t put the start/end times in. I guess because they found it worked without – they’ve been using EE for years before we got involved!

EE3 automatically adds those times event if you set them blank when creating the events, however it does not prevent the user from removing them again and saving them with no values so is likely intentional but those values needed to be added back for EE4 to work.

If I simply re-activate EE4 will it revert to the version we had when we attempted migration or will it reflect the changes ie: start/end times (I’m guessing we’d need to re-run the migration)? I want to show a version of EE4 to the client before we do the work on updating the live site just to make sure they can work with it as there are some other fundamental differences.

EE4 migrations run once when EE4 is instially activated and it detects EE3 tables, after that it will not run migrations again without resetting EE4 back to defaults. We have functions within EE4 to do this for you within:

Event Espresso -> Maintenance -> Reset/Delete Data.

The options there will wipe the EE4 tables and allow you to run the migration scrip again when you re-activate EE4 again (any events etc within EE4 will be lost to allow migrations)

Also, I notice now that the event pages are not showing eg: staging:

That’s happening because EE4 changes the shortcodes used for the critical pages during the migration. So the /events/ page would use [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] for EE3, its now using [ESPRESSO_CHECKOUT] which is an EE4 shortcode.

If you go to Event Espresso -> General Settings -> Page settings.

You’ll see a list of critical pages within EE3 –

That section shows what shortcode needs to be used on each of the 4 critical pages. You’ll need to confirm each of those pages has the shortcode for the curent version of EE you are using (note EE4 migrations will change these each time you migrate).

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