
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium New datetimes and tickets procedures

New datetimes and tickets procedures

Posted: September 19, 2023 at 1:08 pm

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September 19, 2023 at 1:08 pm

I just had to add some new classes to my site and am still confused by the procedure for adding datetimes and tickets. From what I can tell, I can’t create a datetime without a ticket. So I have to create a ticket first, but I can’t complete creating a ticket without assigning it a datetime, of which there aren’t any. So I have to select the dummy datetime, then go back and change everything after I’ve created the real datetime. This seems really convoluted, with too many opportunities for error. Is this still the way it’s supposed to work? The support documents haven’t been updated, so I don’t know.


  • Support Staff

September 19, 2023 at 7:24 pm


1. First you have to create Event.

2. Update all descriptions and information. Update the Event Date(datetime)

3. Update/add new Ticket

We have video here, but it is using the legacy editor.
I’ll get back to you and look if we have the advance editor version of creating event.

Note, you can add as many ticket as you want, as long as it is connected to a specific event date(datetime)



September 20, 2023 at 2:54 pm

My events are already created. When I tried to add a new datetime it wouldn’t let me save it without a ticket.

I would like a video using the advanced editor version please. Just adding the datetime and the tickets when there are none existing. My events are already created.


  • Support Staff

September 20, 2023 at 8:37 pm

What I Normally do is create a datetime, assign it temporary to event, then after you created ticket specifically for that datetime, change its setup.

Check this video.



September 25, 2023 at 2:22 pm

That video makes no sense to me. You created an event called Sample Event, which already had a datetime for camping, and then you added a datetime for Devotional Only, which you assigned a free ticket to. My whole issue is creating a new event and then adding a ticket when there aren’t any. Then there’s an available ticket called Entrance that’s $50. Where’d that come from? Where’s the free ticket? After that you created a ticket called Devotional Ticket, but when you go to assign the ticket, the Entrance ticket is assigned to both Camping and Devotional Only and you have to remove it from Devotional Only, then when you go back to it Entrance is assigned to camping, and Devotional Ticket is assigned to Devotional only. I’ve watched it over and over and it is the most convoluted procedure. What a mess. I’ve been a long time EE customer, and I was really hoping for some big improvements with this version, but this is not an improvement.


  • Support Staff

September 26, 2023 at 1:16 am

If you notice, you cannot create Datetime without ticket assigned on it. So temporarily, assigned any available ticket. Then after you created Datetime, Create a ticket and same idea, you cannot assigned without any datetime, but since you already created datetime in the first step, you have to select that. Then click ticket assignment, to correct and confirm their connection.

Check this article here for more details.



September 26, 2023 at 5:05 pm

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  • Support Staff

September 26, 2023 at 6:54 pm

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September 27, 2023 at 12:21 pm

Yes, I would suggest that when I create a datetime and there are no tickets I am prompted with a message saying, “there are no tickets available, would you like to add one?” To which I would reply, “yes” and then the default ticket window would open and I would create a ticket that would be assigned to the datetime I was working on.


  • Support Staff

September 27, 2023 at 7:00 pm

Thank you. This is submitted to our tEEM for discussion. We really appreciate your suggestion.

Have a good day.

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