
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Need to have option of maximun numbers of participants. 1. ladies & 2.Gentlemans

Need to have option of maximun numbers of participants. 1. ladies & 2.Gentlemans

Posted: August 19, 2014 at 3:38 am

Huascar Saavedra

August 19, 2014 at 3:38 am

For an Events there is the possibility to put the maximun of participants and what I need is to have option of maximun numbers of participants for my danceschool and we have different amount of ladies (followers) & Gentlemans (leaders). It could be adults and children and so on.

Please I need some help with this!
I have the latest version off EE4.


August 19, 2014 at 3:51 am


You can set the maximum number of people per datetime and also per ticket.

So you could have the date time maximum as 50 (the whole event maximum), and then have individual tickets such as:

Ladies (limit as 20)
Gentlemen (limit as 20)
Kids (limit as 10)

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Event Espresso