
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Need Recurring Events Manager for EE5

Need Recurring Events Manager for EE5

Posted: June 27, 2024 at 2:42 am

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June 27, 2024 at 2:42 am

I am using the latest version of Event Espresso. There is a need for a Recurring Events Manager plugin for my site. The plugin is added to my ee account. When I try to download the plugin from the Recurring Events Manager plugin page, it redirects me to the download link of EE3. Please check below the screencast:
When I look at the Event Espresso 4/5 tab, this plugin is unavailable to my account. I have already paid for this plugin. Kindly add Recurring Events Manager to the Event Espresso 4/5 tab, which will be compatible with the latest EE version.

Thank you


  • Support Staff

June 27, 2024 at 5:28 am

Hi Mark,

Thank you for contacting us.

I can see from your account that you have subscribed to three EE4 addons:

You can navigate to your EE account and there you can navigate to ee4/5 tab and there you can see ee4/5 the add-ons associated to your account:

However, I’ll bring this issue to our team members to see if there is any other issues in your accounts.

Thanks for your patience.


June 28, 2024 at 1:02 am

Hi Sam,

Yes, I am checking in ee4 tab. The recurring addon is not there, please add recurring for ee4.

Thank you,


  • Support Staff

June 28, 2024 at 4:05 am

This reply has been marked as private.


June 28, 2024 at 10:39 pm

Hi Tony,
Thanks for the provided link. I believe this issue will be fixed as soon as possible.

Thank you,


  • Support Staff

June 29, 2024 at 12:03 am

Thanks for understanding, No worries, if you need anything, feel free to reach us again.



  • Support Staff

June 29, 2024 at 12:03 am

Thanks for understanding, No worries, if you need anything, feel free to reach us again.



June 29, 2024 at 12:12 am

Hello Rio,

I want to add 50+ events using a recurring plugin but it only allows me to add only 20. Also, the event displayed on the site’s front end looks bad. Is there any option to change its design on the front end? Please check the link below:

Thank you,


  • Support Staff

June 29, 2024 at 1:20 am

I did try 50 and it works on my end. But depending on the recurring and intervals, the system makes a limit.

It is expected that it will be quite messy in the front-end as there’s a lot of ticket and event date. But how do you plan to show it? Let’s see if there’s css we can use to customize its look.

We also suggest to read the documentation for REM



June 29, 2024 at 2:17 am

Hello Rio,
I want to show it just like in the provided screencast:
You can also visit this page:

I want a separate registration button for each event.

OR, if you have any suggestions or customized looks, please mention them.

Thank you,


  • Support Staff

June 30, 2024 at 9:48 pm

In the example you shared, they did not use Recurring Event Manager. Recurring Event Manager will create tickets and Datetime in one event page.

What i think was done here was using Duplicate Option. You can do that by going to Event you want to duplicate then

then share the link for Event List, or create a page with filtered events.



July 11, 2024 at 12:52 am


Is there an option to hide the ticket description from the checkout page? Please check this screenshot for reference:

Thank you,


  • Support Staff

July 11, 2024 at 4:37 am

You can try CSS code to hide that.

You can save the CSS code by going to your Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS

.spco-ticket-info-dv span {
    display: none;



July 19, 2024 at 11:31 pm


Yes, I use the Duplicate Option on my other website. I am inquiring about the recurring addon. Can we have it with the same view as the Duplicate Option?


July 19, 2024 at 11:37 pm


Need help in below UI/UX items, Please review and let me know how can I do these.

a) Register button needed for each recurring event. in new recurring view, e.g. here is the new recurring event url: and here is what we needed: its taken from our site’s page:


July 19, 2024 at 11:38 pm


b) We don’t want to display Sales Dates & Data. to end users. see screenshot:

c) Class timing and remaining space(or tickets left) is visible when unfold the event in recurring one but in old view, customer can see from main event page. can we have date time on above the fold, so customers don’t have to click on detail to see the event date time or space of their need. see: SS taken from:


  • Support Staff

July 20, 2024 at 7:01 am

This URL is using this add-on

Recurring add-on will create Tickets and Datetime but it is only created in one event page. Though you have lots of datetime and ticket on one event page, there will be only one registration button on it. Here’s example

B. If you plan to hide the ticket information, then you can just go to EE dashboard -> Event -> Templates -> Then find the Show Ticket Details setting.
Then set it to NO.

If you just want to hide the specific part you shared, you can use CSS to do that.

.tkt-slctr-tbl section.tckt-slctr-tkt-sale-dates-sctn {
    display: none;

you can also use different Selector if you want to do that in particular event page.

C. That site you shared is using The table add-on. then they did create a page and enter the shortcode for that plugin.

Are you planning to show the Class Remaining on your event page?
you can use snippet here

We recommend creating a custom plugin for easy maintenance and debugging. here’s the guide.



July 30, 2024 at 5:05 am

Hi Rio,

Thank you so much for addressing all of our issues indeed you guys are very helpful, here is my response for each point.

A) I understand that recurring creates multiple tickets with their own dates to purchase, So, what I want is to have register link available with each ticket in our current scenario on upper view so, user don’t have to unfold and find the register link inside the detail. It will provide call to action on front, which will provide easiness to end-users and sales ultimately.

B) Its done, thank you so much.

C) Thank you for the solution, I have implemented the code available remaining space but its appended in below area, see screenshot for details screenshot:

URL where I am working:

Thank you,
Looking forward to get your response.


  • Support Staff

July 30, 2024 at 11:06 am

Hi Mark,

A. just to confirm are you referring to showing the active date at the top?

C. the link is not working for me there might be some issue with the site.

Please fix that so that we can check the issue for you.


August 3, 2024 at 1:16 am

Hi Sam,

A. No, I’m not referring to showing the active date at the top. My main goal is to make the registration process more straightforward for users. See screenshot for more details:

Currently, users have to click on each individual ticket to find the registration link. I’d like to display a registration link directly next to each ticket, so users can easily register without having to open each ticket’s details.

C. I have fixed site, link is working now. Please visit link and guide me how I can add a Remaining Space column in the above (Event Ticket) table, instead of (Upcoming Datetime) table. For this you can See this screenshot ( where the Remaining Column is showing after applying the code taken from link ( you provided.

//* Please do NOT include the opening php tag, except of course if you’re starting with a blank file

function my_add_total_spaces_display( $html, $datetime ) {
$html .= ‘<br><span class=”space-remain”>Total spaces remaining: ‘;
$html .= $datetime->total_tickets_available_at_this_datetime();
$html .= ‘</span>’;
 return $html;


  • Support Staff

August 3, 2024 at 8:44 am

Currently, users have to click on each individual ticket to find the registration link. I’d like to display a registration link directly next to each ticket, so users can easily register without having to open each ticket’s details.

You need to use this add-on and not recurring. Recurring will only create ticket/datetime. But the register button will be just one.

Check this thread.

The reason why it didn’t work because the filter is not correctly called.
FHEE_espresso_list_of_event_dates_datetime_html should have more underscore.

Check the code here.

    function my_add_total_spaces_display( $html, $datetime ) {
    $html .= '<br><span class=space-remain>Total spaces remaining: ';
    $html .= $datetime->total_tickets_available_at_this_datetime();
    $html .= '</span>';
     return $html;

it is a good practice to put it in the plugin.



August 5, 2024 at 12:35 am

Hi Rio,

A) I see you are saying, we can’t have register button for each ticket in-front of its row. Certainly I must say its a huge drawback of your system. You should have made recurring event functionality so you can give option to purchase each event via register button in front of its row. Like you had in your old EE3.
Or you should have provided register button for each ticket. Its very natural that sale point is ticket, normally customer don’t purchase whole event. So, You should have register button with each ticket, as many other people are also asking for this option. and you are saying them not possible too.

C) It seems there might be a slight misunderstanding about where I want to add the ‘Remaining Space’ column.

I’m referring to the table that displays individual ticket details check [], not the “Upcoming Datetime” table.

Please check this screenshot to see how it is currently displayed using code you provided and where I want to add the ‘Remaining Space’ column: [].

Note: If you have trouble viewing the screenshot, please let me know, and I can provide it in another format.


  • Support Staff

August 5, 2024 at 2:41 am

Hi Mark,

Sorry for the confusion.

A. Regarding the registration button, in the screenshot you are showing the single event page:

Here you can see the register button at the bottom of the page:
That’s not a drawback there should be one register button per event. Due to this, you can select your required tickets (one or many) and then proceed with registration.

C. Regarding the “remaining space” amount you can see that within the ticket details section itself, you do not need to scroll down to the “Upcoming Datetime” table

However, if you still want to add that to the “Remaining Space” column to the table that needs custom modifications.


August 6, 2024 at 5:48 am

Hi Sam,

I’m familiar with these features but would like to simplify the process. If there’s no way to add a registration button per ticket and display remaining spaces directly, I’m okay with custom modifications.

A) I need help adding a registration button for each event ticket. This would enhance the user experience by making it easier for attendees to register for specific tickets directly.

C) I also need guidance on adding a “Remaining Space” column to the ticket details table, showing the available remaining tickets. Could you point me to any hooks or resources that could help with this?


  • Support Staff

August 6, 2024 at 8:01 am

Hi there,

Customizations are not something we provide support for and the problem with the section you are trying to edit is the amount of logic used in the ticket selector makes things… difficult and error-prone when you start making modifications. We seen it in the past, users make customizations to the ticket selector and then get caught when they don’t pot over any changes made within core to ‘their’ ticket selector… often when the developers of that custom solution has moved on/no longer available.

Adding a register button to each line would basically just be a copy of the current register/submit button and the user would still need to select the relevant Qty for the ticket(s) they are wanting to submit.

There’s no dates on your ticket names which means when your users land on the ticket selector and hit the register button you are looking to add… which date are they attending? How do the users know which date they are attending?

For example the page loads and they see this row:

They click register but don’t know which date they are attending unless they went into the more details section to view the details.

I gues what I’m trying to so here is that adding a register to each row in the ticket selector sounds great here but still has its own issues and you going to need to work through a bunch of logic (both within the ticket selector and possibly SPCO depending on the specifics of how you want this to work) for this.

If you are using the Recurring Events Manager to use a single event then what about adding a datetime selector above the ticket selector so they user can select the Date they want to view tickets for using that, then select the relevant ticket?

Go to Event Espresso -> Events -> Templates (tab above the events list)

Find the ‘Ticket Selector Template Settings’ section.

There you’ll find a “Show Date & Time Filter?”, set that to ‘Maybe show….’

(Its ‘maybe’ becuase it depends on the number of unique datetimes you have on the event, which you set on the option below)

Then set the ‘Date & Time Filter Threshold’ to say 3… that means the datetime selector will show when the event has 3 or more unique (different dates) datetimes on it.

Then go back to your single event page and view it again, does that help?

How are you directing users to that single event page? There may be another solution from there. It’s possible to add a query parameter to filter the tickets shown on the single event page (where the ticket selector is) for a specific datetime. So if you’re listing all of your event dates you can have a link from each date which then directs the users to the single event page showing only the tickets for the specific date they click for. That will still require custom development, but not within the ticket selecotr itself.


August 8, 2024 at 2:26 am

Hi Tony,

Thank you for your detailed reply regarding the issues I’ve been facing. I completely understand that customizations can lead to significant challenges in the future.

You also mentioned the limitation of having just a register button in the row. You’re right—end customers want to select their seats, confirm the date and time of the event, and view the pricing upfront, all of which your current system doesn’t provide.

As long-time customers who have experience with the EE3 plugin, we value the ability to solve the problems we’re facing in our business. The Recurring Event addon of EE3 was perfect for our needs—it fulfilled everything we required. Unfortunately, the recurring functionality in EE4/5 has been useless for us.

The EE3 recurring plugin allowed us to select the start and end dates of an event and choose how we wanted it to recur (weekly, monthly, yearly). We could specify the days and maintain a fixed time, which worked seamlessly for us until you stopped providing updates. We were then forced to move to EE4, where the recurring addon no longer met our needs.

Please consider this feedback for future product improvements. As site owners, we need a call to action on the front end, not buried deep within the system. Additionally, displaying the date, time, and price in the same row as the event is crucial for us. We’re currently managing this manually by duplicating events, as seen here:, but we were able to do this effortlessly in EE3.

While I appreciate your suggested options, they still don’t bring the call to action to the forefront. The small + button that needs to be clicked doesn’t work for us, especially given the number of events we have on a single page. The date and time are shown at the bottom, but with so many events, a longer page simply isn’t practical for us.

Best regards,


  • Support Staff

August 8, 2024 at 6:34 am

I’ll jump in at the beginning of this and state that I’m not dismissing any of your feedback/issues here, if any of my replies come across that way it’s not intended to be. I understand and acknowledge all of the issues you’ve raised here and will be opening up a discussion on this with the team to see what we can do. Your feedback is appreciated and heard.

What I am trying to do right now, is work out a possible way for this to work for you as it stands rather than having to duplicate events. Even if we look into changing this right now, it’s not going to be a quick fix as there’s multiple use cases we cover here so many moving parts to work through.

Unfortunately, the recurring functionality in EE4/5 has been useless for us.

So far it’s sounding more like an issue with how the recurring events are displayed for your use case rather than the EE4 Recurring Events Manager (REM for short) itself. REM is allowing you to create multiple instances of the event but the display on the single event page doesn’t suit your needs.

To explain that a little, within EE4+ rather than having individual copies of an event as a recurring series (like EE3 does), it uses a single event and creates the datetimes (you can think of those as an instance of event) and the tickets associated with those datetimes. The problem you’re running into currently is the event outputs we have then display events, so when it links back to the event as a whole you see all of the datetimes/tickets for that event which (understandably) doesn’t work for your use case here.

So whilst it may sound like I’m splitting hairs on this, that sounds more like an issue of how the events are handled when output rather than REM itself, right?

So, if I work on that assumption for this reply… it sounds like having an output that displayed datetimes would work better for you here.

If this:

Was creating a table based on datetimes (and then displaying the event data related to that datetime), providing a link for the single event based on the datetime display this would work better for you?

To give you an example of how that would work…

Single event as a whole:

But then if you were displaying datetimes in the table mentioned above and wanted to display only the datetime/tickets for one of those, you pass the datetime ID as a query param, so your September 16th datetime ID is 739, the link would be:

That’s still the single event output, but now it’s filtered directly to a specific datetime and only displays the ticket and datetime info for that specific datetime.

For your use case I think trying to funnel users to the single event page to then make their date selection is ‘too late’ which is then causing confusion here. The single event displays ALL options and you’re trying to then come up with a solution to narrow down from there. The datetime filter I referred to above was added to try and help with that for some use cases but when you have long recurring events that can also be confusing for users IMO.

While I appreciate your suggested options, they still don’t bring the call to action to the forefront. The small + button that needs to be clicked doesn’t work for us, especially given the number of events we have on a single page. The date and time are shown at the bottom, but with so many events, a longer page simply isn’t practical for us.

This I’m a little confused about, I didn’t mention the + button?

Is this relating to showing which datetime the ticket relates to?

If so, that’s not how I would advise doing it, it doesn’t work well for your us case as there are too many tickets to expect users to go through each one checking the dates. Which I think is what you are saying here and I agree with.

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