
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Need old Event Espresso data

Need old Event Espresso data

Posted: July 22, 2024 at 2:15 pm

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July 22, 2024 at 2:15 pm

I updated my PHP to 8.1 so EE would work again. In doing so, my old registration data is not appearing. My plugin in WordPress is asking me to update (reset?) my data. I do not want to do that if that deletes my current event data and historical data. What should I do? Thanks, Harris


July 22, 2024 at 3:42 pm

I should clarify this post. My EE stopped working properly. In investigating the issue, I realized my subscription was outdated. I reupped and put in my new support key. When I did that, EE deactivated and prompted me to update my site’s PHP. That update turned into a mess, but ultimately worked, but now all of my current and old EE event data are gone. Nothing there. Can I retrieve that data now? And, how do I reactivate EE? The site with 8.2 (my first post was incorrect) is working, but not ability to capture event registrations.


  • Support Staff

July 22, 2024 at 5:30 pm

Hi there,

My EE stopped working properly.

What was happening on the site?

In investigating the issue, I realized my subscription was outdated.

It’s very rare that an issue relating to licensing would cause issues on the site itself, so this was likely unrelated to the issue you were running into (we intentionally set EE up this way to prevent any issues with our licensing server from causing problems for registrations).

I reupped and put in my new support key.

Reupped? Looking at the site it looks like you’ve updated to the latest version of Event Espresso so I assume you mean you uploaded the plugin here, do you know the version number you were running prior to this?

Edit – Actually, nvm, it looks like that was 4.9.66.p

When I did that, EE deactivated and prompted me to update my site’s PHP.

With the above context, this makes sense as newer versions of EE require a minimum of PHP7.4

That update turned into a mess, but ultimately worked, but now all of my current and old EE event data are gone. Nothing there. Can I retrieve that data now? And, how do I reactivate EE?

So, right now, EE is in maintenance mode as it needs to run some data migrations (the database schema changed between 4.9.XX and 5, so it needs to run through the migrations to update the data to be in the current format.

Before moving forward anymore… make a database backup. Plenty of different options on how, but just dump the entire database so you have a safe copy of it somewhere.

After that, do you see the Event Espresso menu it in the dashboard?

Go to Event Espresso -> Maintenance.

What do you see there? Can you post a screenshot?

Don’t click on the any options, I just need to know what page is loading there so I can advise further.


July 23, 2024 at 8:19 am

I exported a backup of the entire database. How do I post the requested screenshot? I have save a view of that page. This window does not appear to allow posting or saving attachments. I can possibly post it or send via email. Please advise. Thanks for the help.


  • Support Staff

July 23, 2024 at 8:24 am


Sure, send it over to support[at] and I’ll take a look.


  • Support Staff

July 23, 2024 at 1:39 pm

OK, so your in Maintenance mode with a data migration waiting.

Now you have a backup, you can go to to Event Espresso -> Maintenance.

Click on the ‘My Database is backed up, continue’ text.

It should now show you the option to run the migration. Work through the steps to run the migration.

If after clicking that button you are unsure what to click, send me the next screenshot and I’ll show you from there.


July 23, 2024 at 1:57 pm

Issue resolved. EE is back up and running with all the data for our current and past events. Very much appreciate your help.


  • Support Staff

July 23, 2024 at 2:32 pm

Awesome, glad to hear it 🙂

Any further issues just let us know.

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