
Home Forums Ticketing Add-on Need Help with the Ticketing Add-on? Click Here!

Need Help with the Ticketing Add-on? Click Here!

Posted: September 13, 2014 at 5:19 pm

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Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

September 13, 2014 at 5:19 pm

The Ticketing add-on allows you to offer custom tickets to your registrants/attendees. These tickets can then be scanned using one of our mobile apps (Android, iPad, iPhone).

It is a WordPress plugin and can be installed through WordPress admin –> Plugins.

Documentation for Ticketing add-on

FAQ for the Ticketing add-on

What version of Event Espresso is this add-on compatible with?
The Ticketing add-on is compatible with the current version of Event Espresso 3:

I’ve setup the Ticketing add-on according to the documentation but it still does not work. Can you help me?
Is the add-on installed and activated in your WordPress admin (WP Dashboard)? Have you selected a ticket through the event editor (right side of page)?

Troubleshooting the Ticketing add-on

Having trouble with your add-on? Follow these troubleshooting steps:

1) Is your software up to date?

2) Have you read the documentation?

If so, try running a search on our support site:

3) If you still need help, then create a new support post here:

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