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Need help with a few things!

Posted: February 12, 2014 at 10:36 am

Drio LLC

February 12, 2014 at 10:36 am

Wordpress Version 3.8.1
Event Espresso
Event Espresso – Calendar
Event Espresso – Multi Event Registration
Event Espresso – Recurring Events
Event Espresso – Ticketing
Events page:

1. How do I set up an event that is more than one day long, but not in a row? (Example: May 3, 5, and 8 instead of May 3-5) The event has ONE price for the 3 day event. How do I set this up?

2. In my event description, I inserted the “More…” tag, but it is not showing up as a link to read more. It just cuts off the text and provides no information that the description will be continued when you click the event.

3. If I update to the new Event Espresso, will I lose any of my work? How do I install it? Do I delete the one I have or… help please!


  • Support Staff

February 12, 2014 at 12:52 pm

Hi Suzanne,

1) Each of those days would need to separate events. What you can do is setup the events, so May 3rd, May 5th & May 8th, then set May 5th and May 8th to use May 3rd’s registration url. This basically means that anyone that clicks on any of the events will be directed to register onto May 3rd, this means 1 price, 1 attendee list to manage etc. This is done by setting the Alternative Registration URL for those events.

2) The ‘More…’ tag is used here to provide a breakpoint for the text, you can view the full details by clicking the event name or clicking the ‘Register’ button.

3) This depends on what you mean by ‘work’. You should not lose any of the events/registrations/attendees or settings but any template customization/CSS may need to be re-done. It is always recommended to perform a full site backup before ANY updates, we have a guide posted on how to do that here:

EE4 has been designed to leave your current EE3 data intact, so that you can revert back to EE3 if need be with minimal changes (some shortcodes on the default pages may need to be changed back to the EE3 versions)

However remember that currently NONE of the EE3 add-ons currently work with EE4. In your post you list:

Event Espresso – Calendar
Event Espresso – Multi Event Registration
Event Espresso – Recurring Events
Event Espresso – Ticketing

None of those currently will work with ee4.

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Event Espresso