
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium My registrations are not being emailed to me or to my customers.

My registrations are not being emailed to me or to my customers.

Posted: December 9, 2021 at 6:11 am

Viewing 29 reply threads

Cara Livorio

December 9, 2021 at 6:11 am

I opened registrations on December 2nd to our spring classes. All of my clients reported not receiving a confirmation email –this created mountains more work for me. Also, I didn’t receive the registrations on my end. They are usually emailed to me. Please let me know how to fix this issue. Thank you.

Cara Livorio

December 9, 2021 at 11:52 am

Is there someone available to help me? It is showing that there Is a critical error on my website. I created a new password protected event and it is not working for my clients. It says “critical error.” Thank you.


  • Support Staff

December 10, 2021 at 4:19 am

Hi there,

Can you link me to the event I need to view so I can see this?

Cara Livorio

December 10, 2021 at 5:40 am

1. I think that my PayPal disconnected from my event espresso when I did the latest update. My customers are only seeing the invoice option for payment. I dont know how to find my API information to reconnect the PayPal merchant. Is PayPal or better to use?

2. None of my clients received a registration confirmation–and I didn’t receive the registrations either. What is happening to prevent these confirmations from sending?


  • Support Staff

December 10, 2021 at 5:54 am

1. I think that my PayPal disconnected from my event espresso when I did the latest update. My customers are only seeing the invoice option for payment. I dont know how to find my API information to reconnect the PayPal merchant. Is PayPal or better to use?

Are you using PayPal Express?

We have documentation on finding your credentials here:

In terms of PayPal or, it’s subjective really and depends on the rates you are getting from both as to which is ‘best’ to use.

2. None of my clients received a registration confirmation–and I didn’t receive the registrations either. What is happening to prevent these confirmations from sending?

Can you link me to an event I can run a test registration on to take a look?

Cara Livorio

December 10, 2021 at 5:55 am

Also, people are having trouble opening this event:

It is password protected: Art!

However, people are reporting receiving a blank page after entering the password.

This is a terrible time for things not to be working. I don’t have the time to fix these three separate problems while people are trying to register. My workload is exponentially increasing. Please help.

Cara Livorio

December 10, 2021 at 5:57 am

Here is a link to test registration: All of our events are sold out, but I opened up a ticket for you:

Cara Livorio

December 10, 2021 at 6:01 am

What is the difference between PayPal Express and PayPal Pro? Will both work for me? Thank you!


Cara Livorio

December 10, 2021 at 6:11 am

I linked PayPal Pro again, but the button URL for the “Method of Payment” is showing up as a question mark and looks bad. How can this be changed so people aren’t clicking on a question mark essentially. Thank you!


  • Support Staff

December 10, 2021 at 6:25 am

However, people are reporting receiving a blank page after entering the password.

A white page means a fatal error is being thrown and to fix that I need the error from your server error logs.

Do you have FTP credentials? If so send them over using this form:

I’ll pull the error from the logs.

Here is a link to test registration: All of our events are sold out, but I opened up a ticket for you:

I don’t see any additional tickets on that event.

What is the difference between PayPal Express and PayPal Pro?

PayPal Express is an ‘offsite’ payment method, it means the users go to Paypal to complete payment and then come back.

PayPal Pro is an ‘onsite’ payment method, it means the users enter their card details on your site and it’s sent over to PayPal to process.

Onsite payment methods require the highest level of PCI compliance as your server is handling the card details, its much more strict and for that reason I recommend PayPal Express. You also need an additional subscription within your PayPal account to use the Pro payment method (if you don’t have it already).

I linked PayPal Pro again, but the button URL for the “Method of Payment” is showing up as a question mark and looks bad. How can this be changed so people aren’t clicking on a question mark essentially.

Sounds like whatever image is set for the payment method isn’t available, I need to see an event to investigate.

Cara Livorio

December 10, 2021 at 6:34 am

How do I find this information? Do I need to give you my WordPress login information?

Temporary WP Dashboard (WP-admin) Username*

Cara Livorio

December 10, 2021 at 6:38 am

Here is the link to the registration page:


  • Support Staff

December 10, 2021 at 6:43 am

How do I find this information?

FTP info? You usually get that when you sign up with your host, if not you’ll need to contact them and request those details.

Do I need to give you my WordPress login information?

WP Admin credentials wont show me the error, but sure, I can check over the email issue with those.

The PayPal Express button shows correctly for me:


  • Support Staff

December 10, 2021 at 6:51 am

How do I find this information? Do I need to give you my WordPress login information?

Temporary WP Dashboard (WP-admin) Username*

Sorry, I think I may have misunderstood your question here.

I do need FTP credentials and if you don’t have those you’ll need to get them from your host.

The form asks for both FTP credentials and WP-Admin credentials (login credentials we can use to log into the site and view the admin). We recommend creating a new temp administrator account on the site and sending us login details for that, that way that new admin account can simply be deleted when we are finished and you don’t need to send us ‘your’ own credentials for us to use but it’s up to you which method you want to use for us to log in.

Cara Livorio

December 10, 2021 at 7:06 am

Do you have FTP credentials? If so send them over using this form:
–> I filled out the form to the link above so that you have the FTP info.

Paypal Express button looks good–just not the PayPal Pro. If I decide not to use the PayPal Pro, the button is not an issue. However, could we fix the button in PayPal Pro in case I choose to use this platform?

—–Onsite payment methods require the highest level of PCI compliance as your server is handling the card details, its much more strict and for that reason I recommend PayPal Express. You also need an additional subscription within your PayPal account to use the Pro payment method (if you don’t have it already).

How do I know what type of PCI compliance I have? I contacted GoDaddy and I have the highest level of security that Godaddy offers on my website.

—The white page comes up when people try to register for the password protected event:
password: Art!

—-None of my clients received a registration confirmation–and I didn’t receive the registrations either. What is happening to prevent these confirmations from sending?

—-Here is the link to the registration page:

Cara Livorio

December 10, 2021 at 7:32 am

I filled out the form to the link above so that you have the FTP info…please let me know if you need anything else. Thank you!


  • Support Staff

December 10, 2021 at 11:32 am

I filled out the form to the link above so that you have the FTP info.

Thanks, so the white form isn’t a crash as such.

When the post password is entered WordPress processes the submission and then redirects the user back to the page, its that redirect is failing. Now, problem is with the FTP credentials I can’t edit the wp-login.php file to get an idea of what is happening there (I get permission denied when I try) and I’m guessing that related to GoDaddys security.

Paypal Express button looks good–just not the PayPal Pro. If I decide not to use the PayPal Pro, the button is not an issue. However, could we fix the button in PayPal Pro in case I choose to use this platform?

Sure, you’ll need to enable PayPal Pro again so I can see it on the event, or send WP Admin login details so I can check it out.

How do I know what type of PCI compliance I have? I contacted GoDaddy and I have the highest level of security that Godaddy offers on my website.

PCI compliance isn’t just about your server and what security you have (note if you have a shared server then you aren’t PCI compliant for PayPal Pro).

The server you use and everything around that server is part of your compliance requeiments but there much more to it:

For PayPal Pro your looking as SAQ D (pretty much the highest requirements).

My honest advice is to stay away from PayPal Pro unless absolutely necessary, it will work, and it may well be fine. But if something happens on your server and card data is compromised (in short, let’s just say you were hacked) then the responsibility rest on your shoulders for the damages that incurs with users card data. Use an offsite payment method and avoid 90% of that headache from the off.

None of my clients received a registration confirmation–and I didn’t receive the registrations either. What is happening to prevent these confirmations from sending?

I’m going to need to view within the admin to investigate this further, nothing stands out on the site for that issue.

Cara Livorio

December 10, 2021 at 12:43 pm

HI there,

So what do you need? WordPress login and password?

I still have my two main problems:
–My clients and myself aren’t receiving registration emails
–The password protected page isn’t loading, and it is going to white.

Cara Livorio

December 10, 2021 at 12:54 pm

Okay, I just gave you a temporary WordPress username and password. Please help me resolve these issues ASAP. I have customers who are continuing to email me asking for registration confirmation. They are also unable to access the password protected event. I would really appreciate you helping me resolve this as quickly as possible. Thank you- Cara


  • Support Staff

December 10, 2021 at 1:09 pm

–My clients and myself aren’t receiving registration emails

The emails all show as sent in Event Espresso, which means they correctly triggered, generated and then passed over to your server without any errors.

If the email isn’t arriving after that it’s an issue outside of Event Espresso.

Who do you host your email with? Gmail?

The password protected page isn’t loading, and it is going to white.

What’s not happening is the redirect back to the page.

I checked into this and created a temp page on the site in Dashboard -> Pages (so completely outside of Event Espresso), then set a password on a page rather than an event. The same issue happens there so this isn’t an issue specific to EE events.

Normally I would output the details of the wp-login.php file to see what was happening on that output but I can’t edit that file temporarily to view it.

Does your GoDaddy account allow you to add ‘collaborators’ onto the account so I can view the site through their dashboard? (Some hosts allow it but I can’t remember if GoDaddy is one of them).

You may need to open a ticket with them over the password issue as I need to be able to dit the file and see what is going on with the request but can’t from this end.

Cara Livorio

December 10, 2021 at 1:26 pm

If the email isn’t arriving after that it’s an issue outside of Event Espresso.
Who do you host your email with? Gmail?

Yes, my email is


  • Support Staff

December 10, 2021 at 1:32 pm

OK, install this plugin on the site:

Once installed and activated, go to Dashboard -> WP Mail SMTP -> Settings.

You don’t need to purchase the pro version of that plugin for what we are doing here.

Follow the steps from their docs here:

What that does is tell your site to send the emails through Gmail itself, rather than through GoDaddy.

Once that has been set up, do the emails work?

Cara Livorio

December 10, 2021 at 1:38 pm

I dont see how this is an issue outside of event espresso. The emails used to arrive to me and my clients–and they just stopped arriving.


  • Support Staff

December 10, 2021 at 1:47 pm

When did it just stop sending? We’ve recently pushed updates to EE but I can send you the previous version (before all of these recent updates it was 4.10.13.p) which you can reinstall on the site again and see if the emails work then?

I don’t think they will (and if not confirms its no an EE issue) and I’ll explain why.

Event Espresso doesn’t “send” emails, what it does is generate the email content and then pass the email over to your server for it to do whatever your server is set up to do with them.

If you go to Event Espresso -> Messages -> Message activity you see the ‘missing’ emails there right?

The green ‘status bar’ (the coloured bar on the left of each email) indicates that all of the above happened as it should and your server returned no errors.

Think of that as me writing a letter, putting it into an envelope, addressing it and handing it over to my post man…. who smiled and said thanks.

The email then doesn’t arrive, but EE has no control over that as it’s already handed over the content for the server to do its thing. This is common with emails, we’ve seen it before and 99% of the time its completely outside of EE’s control, the 1% when its not there is usually an error on the mailserver that we can’t see but GoDaddy will be able to give you more details on.

However, in both cases the solution is usually the same one I posted above.

Cara Livorio

December 10, 2021 at 1:48 pm

HI Tony, I dont knwo how to install and activate the plug in. Is this something that you could do? My baby is awake now and I have no time to sit her and struggle to fix this.


  • Support Staff

December 10, 2021 at 1:50 pm

This isn’t something I can do for you, it requires you to log into your Google account etc.

I can install the plugin (and have done) but the configuration needs to be done on your end.

Cara Livorio

December 10, 2021 at 1:56 pm

okay, once I try to configure this—should the emails work?

And then as far as the password pages, I would have to seek help with my hosting people?

Thank you so much for your help.


  • Support Staff

December 10, 2021 at 2:55 pm

okay, once I try to configure this—should the emails work?

Yes, they should.

And then as far as the password pages, I would have to seek help with my hosting people?

Correct, I can’t edit the files to get a batter view of what is happening, so they either need to investigate it or allow editing of wp-login.php and I’ll take another look.

Cara Livorio

December 16, 2021 at 6:15 am

HI Tony. I finally had time to follow the article and configure things on my end with the WP SMTP plugin. I did all of the work, but I refuse to give a third party APP permission to read, delete and alter my emails. I don’t trust this and so I do not see this as a solution.

I have had Event Espresso for 6 years. Every time I have to take registrations for my classes, WordPress breaks in some form or another. I will likely need to find alternative solutions in the future that don’t require me to try to wear a developers hat, which I am not.

My emails functioned and sent fine until I dowloaded the recent version of Event Espresso. Now, all of my clients who have received emails in the past are barraging me with emails asking to confirm that their spot in class is saved.

I am overall disappointed.

I will have to now talk to Godaddy again to see if I can allow editing of wp-login.php. This is all foreign to me, and I am exhausted.


  • Support Staff

December 16, 2021 at 6:51 am

I finally had time to follow the article and configure things on my end with the WP SMTP plugin. I did all of the work, but I refuse to give a third party APP permission to read, delete and alter my emails. I don’t trust this and so I do not see this as a solution.

Ok, if you are not comfortable with doing so that’s fine but it will likely mean you’ll need to discuss this with your host.

The above plugin tells your site to send emails through your Gmail account.

Your site is currently set up to use GoDaddy’s mail server to send mail on behalf of your domain and that’s a big difference.

To use my analogy of a letter from earlier if you pass the letter to the post/mail man and it randomly vanishes although they say its sent, how do you fix it?

I have had Event Espresso for 6 years. Every time I have to take registrations for my classes, WordPress breaks in some form or another. I will likely need to find alternative solutions in the future that don’t require me to try to wear a developers hat, which I am not.

Whilst I do understand your frustration here, I went back through your threads and as mentioned in your last thread over the update issue there is something more going on here than issues with Event Espresso. I couldn’t install/move/remove/replace the update when I logged in last time and that issue is all outside of EE, your seeing the symptoms of the issues through EE and registrations but not all of those are actually from EE itself.

My emails functioned and sent fine until I dowloaded the recent version of Event Espresso. Now, all of my clients who have received emails in the past are barraging me with emails asking to confirm that their spot in class is saved.

That’s why I asked about this earlier in the thread:

When did it just stop sending? We’ve recently pushed updates to EE but I can send you the previous version (before all of these recent updates it was 4.10.13.p) which you can reinstall on the site again and see if the emails work then?

Again, if you’d like for me to switch you back to version 4.10.13.p to see if this fixes this I’m more than happy to.

I am overall disappointed.

I will have to now talk to Godaddy again to see if I can allow editing of wp-login.php. This is all foreign to me, and I am exhausted.

I’m sorry you’re disappointed but my hands are tied here, I’ve already tried to investigate this further but restrictions on your host don’t allow me to.

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