Posted: December 7, 2013 at 4:24 am
Hello, when I try to add more pages to my website, they do not show next to the ‘home’ and ‘events’ (this one was automatically created by EE) buttons I have at the top of my website. The settings are ‘public & published’ on these new pages, so they should show up. However, they don’t seem to be anywhere, only when I search for them I do find them. Then they seem to be listed as events? I don’t understand. I guess it has got something to do with the EE installation on my website, because pages like the ‘thank you’ page are also public&published but do not show up on my website unless I deliberately look for them. Does anyone recognize the problem and knows how I can make my additional pages show up on my website? Thanks in advance! Lieneke |
Hi, Are you using a custom menu? If so you will need to manually add them to the menu (Appearance > Menus) although once done there will be an option to add any new Page to the menu automatically should you wish. The thank you, registration cancellation and transactions pages should NOT be in your menu. |
Hi Dean, thanks very much for your reply! This was indeed the solution, I can now go on building my website! |
You’re welcome! |
Hi Dean, I have been too quick to call it solved; it seems that the pages uploaded as ‘sub-items’ still do not show on my website, even when I have added them to the custom menu. Any thoughts on how to solve this problem? Furthermore, I have some other questions I hope you have the time to help me with. Please, if you would visit my website, you will see the EE calendar add-on on the homepage. Since my visitors will all be Dutch, I have to translate all English buttons into Dutch. I have been looking through the HTML-codes but unfortunately, I cannot find where I can change “buy tickets” into its Dutch equivalent. Could you direct me to where I need to be? The same goes for the English words on the main registration page: Where can I change price/date/available spaces into Dutch? Next, please try to register for an event. Where you need to enter your first and last name and your e-mailaddress, no box shows where you can enter them. If you try to continue without entering anything, they suddenly show up yellow, warning you to fill in the spaces. But before that, they are invisible. How can I make them visible? And finally, if you would please try to go on and pay (it is in testmodus so you won’t lose any money), it does not show people can pay with iDeal (which is a Dutch payment gate). Only when ‘pay by creditcard’ is clicked, iDeal shows up. I need this to be earlier. Also, I need the “iDeal” text to be a button, because now it does not look like you can click on it. I realize these are a lot of questions and I sincerely hope you have the time to help me with them. It would be much appreciated! Best regards, Lieneke |
Hi Lieneke, I’ll try to follow up with each of your queries below:
This doesn’t sound like something that would be related to Event Espresso. Have you tried posting a question about this specific issue with the theme developer? Usually menus are controlled by the active WordPress theme.
We have a few articles in our documentation that deal with using translation files and translating specific text strings:
This is something that the theme is messing up. You can override the theme’s styling of input fields by adding something like this to your custom stylesheet: input { border: 2px inset; } If you don’t have a custom stylesheet available, the my custom CSS plugin will allow you to add custom styles.
You can make the Ideal button appear earlier by adding this to your custom stylesheet: #ideal-payment-option-form-dv { display: block!important; } We have a guide on how to make links look more button-like in our documentation: |
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