
Home Forums Community Forum My annual renewal also annually screws up my recaptcha

My annual renewal also annually screws up my recaptcha

Posted: January 8, 2022 at 1:55 pm

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smiling shamrock

January 8, 2022 at 1:55 pm

Every single year I have to pay GoDaddy and extra $125 to fix my website, it always corresponds around my renewal of my expesso account. One issue is Recaptcha gets screwed up and they have to fix other things. My renewal is in Feb 2022, right when my new classes start, so it always effects my students being able to pay for classes. So not only do I pay for your annual fee, every year I have to pay godaddy also. And your company won’t talk to godaddy nor will you go on my site to fix this issue, this will be the 4th year I will have to do this. If this happens this year, I will drop you. In fact, do not renew me until you talk to me. Enough is enough and no one at your company cares to help me.
Peggy Callahan Smiling Shamrock

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