
Home Forums Pre-Sales Multiple Websites / URLs with single EE database?

Multiple Websites / URLs with single EE database?

Posted: November 1, 2012 at 9:20 pm

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Alex Frame

November 1, 2012 at 9:20 pm

Hi, We have a training company that sells classroom courses. We have 4 websites. Website 1 is our main website that sells everything. Websites 2 – 4 are specialized, for example, one for coffee courses, one for first aid courses etc. Is it possible to have the websites (different URL and theme) all using a single EE database? If we sell a coffee course on website 1, and a coffee course on website 2, these are technically the same course, people who book through either website will be in the same class together. So to prevent us having to manually enter every user from website 2 – 4 it would be really awesome if these websites could share the database. Is this possible in any way? I don’t mind about buying multiple licenses, it would just be great if this is a possibility. It would cut our man hours hugely!! I hope what I’m trying to achieve makes sense. Look forward to the reply πŸ™‚ Thanks.

edit: if there was an API i’d be happy to deal with the payment and registration on another website and just add the user to the event via an API, but I can’t find out if there is an API due to not having a license already.

  • This topic was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by Alex Frame.


November 2, 2012 at 1:02 am

Hello Alex,

Currently there is no in built function for using a single database for multiple sites, mainly due to licence infractions, etc.

API wise, the current version of Event Espresso doesn’t really have an API to speak of. We are however, looking to improve this and create a much more robust and well documented API for version 3.2 (we are basically re-writing the plugin, so it will have many more hooks, etc built in), but that is some time off yet.

You could possibly accomplish it now with an iframe, showing the registration form from the “main” site, but it’s not an ideal solution to your problem.

Alex Frame

November 2, 2012 at 1:11 am

Hi Dean,

Yeah I can imagine how that could cause problems with licensing.

Doing this with an iFrame would be fine, however we like to process payments on our website so I guess that would cause a lot of issues with SSL certificates.

An API to allow us to add users would be really good if it ever becomes available.

Thanks for quick reply πŸ™‚


November 2, 2012 at 1:18 am

Hey Alex,

Hmm yeah I didn’t think of the SSL but that could definitely be an issue, iframes have never been that awesome really.

Whilst the API will certainly become available in the future, I’m not so sure this sort of functionality will.

Alex Frame

November 2, 2012 at 1:22 am

No one likes iframes πŸ™‚

Alright, if we were to buy a 5 site license, is there an export and import users from and to events function?

We could do it manually that way and live with it.


November 2, 2012 at 1:56 am

Hi Alex,

There is an export function (to csv) for attendees. We are currently developing an import function which is currently being poked at by developers.

We believe this is an important function so it will be included, but its a matter of when as we have a priority queuing system for work (there’s never enough hours in the day).

It currently has a milestone for 3.1.29 (3.1.27 is current version, .28 is due out shortly) but this is subject to change.

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