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Multiple Tickets and Different Prices

Posted: July 22, 2012 at 6:50 pm

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dawnna st louis

July 22, 2012 at 6:50 pm

I have been looking extensively at EE for a couple of weeks; trying to determine if it is right for my association. I have read how great it was and some of the limitations. Before I buy it for my association, I need to get some questions answered:

Here are my questions:

  • Create an event for members and non members. A member wants to pay at
    the member rate and then pay for 3 non members at the guest rate. How
    can this be done? Note; this is not a GROUP rate.
  • Our associations has 4 levels of membership. Levels 3 and 4 do not
    have to pay for events. This gives us 3 total rates. Non Member,
    Member and Pro Member. Can we show all three rates? How does EE
    validate that the member is a L3 or L4 member? (note: we are using
    wp-EMember). If they are not paying can they just register and have
    the count decreased?
  • Once an event is created and registration is open, is there a way to
    let all members know about the event?
  • I noticed that you have something for promotional discounts, how does
    this work exactly? ie If I have 100 different users I want 100
    different promo codes for an event. Do I have to do that manually or
    does your system generate them?
  • Now I did notice one little funky bug, when clicking the radio
    buttons to choose my ticket type and then changing it; the price only
    sporadically updated. Pricing is a big deal because if you mess up
    people’s money they wont buy from you again. What current issues do
    you have with your pricing?

Do you have a current ISSUES or OPEN BUGS list that I can look at?

How often do you update this system?


  • Support Staff

July 23, 2012 at 9:24 am

I’m going to suggest looking at other Event management options. Event Espresso does not have the capability you are looking for with the tiered levels of members pricing and was not built to handle the volume of discount codes you’d like to use.

dawnna st louis

July 23, 2012 at 10:16 am

Just to be clear: Can you validate the following statements. You only replied to one or two of the listed questions.

EVENT ESPRESSO CAN NOT: Create an event for members and non members that allows the member to pay at the member rate and then pay for 3 non members at the guest rate. EVENT ESPRESSO only handles group rates.

EVENT ESPRESSO CAN NOT manage greater than one member level and has not worked with another company like s3member or wp-EMember to make this possible.

EVENT ESPRESSO CAN NOT let all members to know that an event is created and registration is open.

EVENT ESPRESSO CAN NOT generate multiple promo codes for event registration and has not worked with another company or plug in to do so.

EVENT ESPRESSO has issues with ensuring correct pricing.


  • Support Staff

July 23, 2012 at 10:46 am

I would validate 2-4 and invalidate the last item. There do not appear to be issues with ensuring correct pricing in the current version of Event Espresso. This can happen if core functions or templates have been modified, but this is beyond our control.

The first item is a bit more nuanced, as Event Espresso can handle group registrations and single registrations. To answer your direct question: It does not have the capability to automatically limit a member to one member priced ticket and then offer all the other group tickets at the standard non-member rate.

Chris Gribble

October 18, 2012 at 7:44 pm

Howdy – I’ll start by saying that my question is not intended to force you to list publicly what Events Espresso CAN NOT DO…
Item 1 relates to my question as well. In a group purchase, is it possible to purchase different Ticket Types. For example, a children’s concert has tickets for Adults and tickets for Children. Can someone then buy 2 adults and 3 child tickets, or some other combination as part of this single transaction.
The issue I am trying to avoid is the need to go through two transactions, one for each ticket type.
Your advice/thoughts?


  • Support Staff

October 19, 2012 at 11:20 am

Hi Chris,

Your question is a bit different in that it’s dealing not members pricing, but different ticket type pricing. This is possible to do right now by using the Multi Event Registration add-on. What happens is when someone adds the event to the cart, they can then add quantities of each ticket type before checkout. There’s a guide in our documentation that walks through how to shift the registration process over to use the cart (note that it does require the Multi Event Registration add-on to do this in Event Espresso 3.1).

I have a demo / test site set up here if you’d like to see how it works:

If you click the “Make your registration happen” button, you’ll be able to view a demo the cart registration.

Chris Gribble

October 20, 2012 at 4:20 am

Thanks Josh. The addon looks like the solution we need.

I purchased it and see that the payment was processed through my paypal account – does a link to download the addon get sent to the email associated with the paypal account?




  • Support Staff

October 22, 2012 at 7:41 am

Hi Chris,

Sorry for the delay. In this case, it looks like someone from sales will need to update your account. Can you fill out this form and include the PayPal transaction ID?

Seth Shoultes

October 25, 2012 at 12:13 am


Sorry for the trouble. I am Not sure why your account was not updated automatically. It is updated now and you should have access to the files.

Chris Gribble

October 25, 2012 at 3:35 am

Woohoo – got it. Thanks.

Now, I have it installed and working happily, but I notice three things that are troubling me (because they will trouble our users):
1. if someone purchases multiple categories of tickets for a single event, then they get multiple confirmation emails, all containing the links to all tickets. Is there a way to limit it to a single confirmation email per purchase?
2. When selecting multiple tickets, the Registration Form requires the input of info for more than a single Registrant, even if the event settings are made to not require this. Any workaround here to remove the need for additional registrant info?
3. Once Registration is confirmed, before going to the Paypal page, the page has “Offsite payment INformation” listed as an option – how can I remove that text on that page?
4. I am loving Event Espresso.

Thanks guys.

Seth Shoultes

October 25, 2012 at 10:22 am

Glad you got it figured out.

  1. Not at the moment. This is because each event may have different details pertaining to the event. However, we are looking into ways to make this better, but we just can’t come up with anything that makes sense. Other than sending them one email with links to all of their details, for each different events, which will cause even more headaches and clicks for users.
  2. Can you please create a new post for this? I think there is a workaround, but I can’t post it here.
  3. You can change it in the templates, but in 3.1.29, we are changing the layout of the payment page.
  4. Thanks!

Chris Gribble

October 25, 2012 at 4:45 pm

Thanks Seth. I will start another post re Item 2.

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