
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Multiple ticket purchase with constraints on ticket type combinations

Multiple ticket purchase with constraints on ticket type combinations

Posted: December 27, 2013 at 10:11 am

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December 27, 2013 at 10:11 am

Event Espresso version
WordPress version WP 3.7.1


I would like your advise on how to set up the following.

For a dance festival, we have 2 main types of ticket:

A) Leader
B) Follower

However, couples typically want to register together (this guarantees there is a spot for both).
So it should be possible to buy one of the following combinations: 1 A / 1 B / 1 A + 1 B. Other combinations should not be allowed.
Each ticket must correspond to a form registration as well.

The “group registrations” option doesn’t seem to be the right way to go, as it cannot enforce the restrictions above.

What I have tried is to add the MER plugin to activate the cart (as in, and make one event per ticket, without group registrations.

That seem to work, as I can add at most one ticket per type to the cart.

Am I correct so far?

My questions:

– One event per ticket really feels like an overkill. Is there really no simpler way?
There are a number of oddities (from the customer point of view) when using one even per ticket:
* when buying a A + B combination, then entering personal details, each ticket asks details for “Attendee 1”. While this makes sense internally (there is only 1 attendee per event), it looks wrong to a customer who doesn’t know about this trick.
* Attendees will be registered in two different lists. This is inconvenient for bulk operations like mass-emailing. Any workaround? Would creating WP account for each attendee help? What are the disadvantages of doing that?
* When adding an event to the cart, and then visualising the cart, the amount of thickets selected will be 0. Again, that makes sense, because only the event has been added to the cart, not the ticket that is inside it. But it is odd for a customer to have to select a “ticket” twice.
– Can I implement checks based on registration details? For example, A + B purchase should only be allowed if A and B attendees are on the same “level”
– Is there a way to play with single ticket type availability? Ideally, we should sell an equal number of tickets A and B (to have a balance between leaders and followers). It would be great if I could enforce something like: stop selling B if sold(B) > 1.2 * sold(A)
– Is there a way to let promo codes be entered per-ticket (per-event in this case)? What happens now is that when having both A and B in the cart, only one promo code is asked and then it is applied to both A and B.

  • This topic was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by smokeyfeet.
  • This topic was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by smokeyfeet.


  • Support Staff

December 30, 2013 at 9:11 am

Hi there,

Since these are all features that Event Espresso does not have out of the box I can advice contacting one of our recommended developers who are in a position to extend Event Espresso’s basic functionality. They may be able to give you a quote on the costs of building these custom features:


December 30, 2013 at 10:07 am

Josh, thank you for your reply.
I do understand that many of the features I mention are extensions (though unfortunately I am too late now to ask a developer).
One in particular, however, looks more like a bug to me. I refer to the behaviour of promo codes, which apply to the total cart check-out rather than to single tickets.

Also, just to be sure: do you confirm that, with out-of-the-box EE, using MER is the best way to achieve the restrictions I mentioned? Would you have other suggestions?

Thank you,



  • Support Staff

December 30, 2013 at 10:40 am

Hi there,

I can confirm that the promo code feature works as expected. It discounts each ticket in the order by the amount specified for all events that allow the code that is entered.

Since Event Espresso 3.1 does not allow for multiple ticket types that each have a limit I don’t recommend using Multi Event Registration unless you’re okay with each ticket type as an event. The only other suggestion I can come up with is to check out Event Espresso 4 because it has support multiple ticket type limits within one event. You can sign up for alpha access by following this guide:


December 31, 2013 at 3:07 am

Ouch, obviously you won’t advise to use an alpha version in a production environment.
Most probably I won’t, but should I decide to take my chances, what is your feeling, is that alpha known to be unstable, or just not yet known to be stable?


  • Support Staff

December 31, 2013 at 3:43 pm

I am not advising using an alpha version in a production environment. It’s worth checking out/testing/giving it a whirl on a test server at this point, but it’s not recommended to be used in a production environment until its stable release.

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