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Multiple Ticket and Pricing Options

Posted: May 23, 2014 at 7:42 am

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David Barnhart

May 23, 2014 at 7:42 am

I’m using version to evaluate your product for a client and engaging in proof-of-concept testing of your product to see if it fits y client’s needs.

We need to be able to offer tickets at multiple pricing levels for a single event, for example:
Event Price for Platinum Members: Free
Event Price for Gold Members: $49
Event Price for Silver Members: $99

Your sales page implies that this is possible (Multiple Ticket and Pricing Options
) But when I create the event I can enter only a single ticket price. You allude to a ‘membership add-on’ but I don’t see that listed in your add-ons.

It appears that you support only a single page for event registration. I intend to embed event information and registration information into pages that are specific to each membership level (I want Silver members to be able to see their ticket price only).

Is your product capable if this. If so, how?


  • Support Staff

May 23, 2014 at 5:52 pm

Hi David,

It’s not quite capable of doing exactly what you want, but I’ll give you two ideas that go part way:

1) The WP user integration add-on can allow for one level of member pricing. With this you can offer non-members one price and members a different price. It will also:

2) Let you make an event member only. So they’ll have to be logged into the site to see a registration form. With that, you could offer a regular price of $99 (for silver members). Then apply a $50 discount promo code for gold members and a 100% discount promo code for platinum members. Your membership plugin may already have shortcode wrappers for restricting content to specific membership levels, which is useful in showing the correct promo codes to the members.

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