
Home Forums Multiple Event Registration Add-on Multiple Registrations not registering in database

Multiple Registrations not registering in database

Posted: September 5, 2013 at 9:47 am

Emrick Gunderson

September 5, 2013 at 9:47 am

When our users register for multiple events only the first event they register for is actually added to the database.

On list of events the user adds multiple items to cart, user clicks on View Cart and is taken to the cart page. All events user selected are listed in the cart. The user enters one attendee per event and clicks Enter Attendee Information. The user enters the information on event #1 and chooses to copy information to all events. Information is copied to the fields for the additional events correctly. User clicks the register and confirmation button and gets the success message listing they have registered for the correct number of events. Example: I add three items to my cart, the register and success page shows I have registered for three events. However, in the Event Overview page the user is only listed for the first event in the list they registered for. User only receives email confirmation for one event.

I am using WordPress 3.6 and EventEspresso

Page with events



  • Support Staff

September 5, 2013 at 12:09 pm

Hi Emrick,

I clicked around and looked and the source of the page you linked to and there appears to be some unusual JavaScript errors popping up.


It may be unrelated to the issues with Multi Event Registration that you’re seeing, but it would be good to narrow down what is causing this.

You can narrow things down by ruling out:

1) A theme conflict. You can rule this out by temporarily switching to the default WordPress theme.
2) A plugin conflict. You can rule this out by temporarily deactivating any other installed WordPress plugins.
It may also help to turn on debug mode. You can set wp_debug to true by editing the wp-config.php file.
You can use an [FTP client][1] and [a text editor][2] to access change this line to the site’s wp-config.php file:
define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);

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Event Espresso