
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Multiple issues found

Multiple issues found

Posted: March 18, 2024 at 4:46 pm

Viewing 19 reply threads

Drio LLC

March 18, 2024 at 4:46 pm

Hi Support,

We are currently having issues on our site,
First issue is with extension, Event Espresso – Events Table View Template (EE 4.4.9+) – Version 1.3.9.p
When active, we see a broken version of the page,
sample url:
There, we’re supposed to have multiple tables by category (level 1, level 2…)

Second issue is our emails are not sending since the 17th of March.
Our currently smtp is with Brevo and everything was working fine and we can’t see any issues on Brevo’s dashboard.

I tried re-installing the core plugin and now, we get the ‘There has been a critical error on this website.’ error once activated.

Please advise. If possible please include on this ticket.

Thank you,


  • Support Staff

March 18, 2024 at 7:59 pm

Can you tell me more event table? I can see some other table there.

For the smtp error, do you also see error message in EE dashboard under messages?


Drio LLC

March 19, 2024 at 10:01 am

Hi Rio,
I was able to resolve the event table issue yesterday as you see here,
by reverting the core plugin version back to 5.0.17, then had to go through all the settings and all that.

The main issue we still have are with transactional email.
Under EE Dashboard > Messages –
Under Brevo’s Transactional Email Logs –
WP error message here –

Please let me know if you additional information. If possible please include on this ticket.

Thank you,


  • Support Staff

March 19, 2024 at 10:37 am

by reverting the core plugin version back to 5.0.17, then had to go through all the settings and all that.

Settings? No setting/config changes were made between .17 and .18 so adjusting any settings shouldn’t be needed.

The main issue we still have are with transactional email.

Hmm, no context at all.

Can I take a look at this? If so send temp login details over using this form:

Drio LLC

March 19, 2024 at 1:54 pm

Sample settings that were messed up were ‘View Registration details’ and ‘View transaction receipt’ on click they would redirect to the homepage. I had to go through EE Dash > Messages > Settings > HTML to check if both invoice and receipt were not under Inactive Message Types, which they weren’t but still redirected to the homepage. By transferring both to inactive and back to the active section, they were then back in play.
Let me set up staging for you

Drio LLC

March 19, 2024 at 2:44 pm

logins to staging sent


  • Support Staff

March 20, 2024 at 4:07 am

Hi there,

I’ve replied directly via email for this but just noting here that the credentials aren’t working for me.

Can you check ann resend, please?

Drio LLC

March 20, 2024 at 12:42 pm

This reply has been marked as private.


  • Support Staff

March 20, 2024 at 3:54 pm

Did you move hosts or make any database changes around the 17th of March?

The issue with messages is that the message ‘contexts’ are missing. I’ve fixed those in the default message templates but the custom templates are also the same so I’m trying to figure out how this could happen.

Drio LLC

March 20, 2024 at 6:24 pm

Hi Tony,
No DB changes were done over the weekend. I believe the only thing done to the site was ‘Smart Plugin Manager’ from WPengine did its thing and spotted the issue EE core and stopped the auto update for ‘Significant visual changes detected’.

Please let me know how we can replicate the changes you made.


  • Support Staff

March 21, 2024 at 5:19 am

Fixing the default message templates can be done by following the same steps you did above for the Invoice and Receipt message template.

Deactivate and then reactivate each message type, but that wont fix the custom Registration Approved message template you have assigned on all/most of your events, the contexts will remain missing on those (they’ll need to be fixed directly within the DB).

However, the updates don’t change anything within messages like this, if it did then everyone’s messages would be broken now, so something weird is going on here. The really strange part is to break the contexts in the same you site is currently I have to wipe out the context names within the DB but then I get this error on the Custom Message Templates list table:

Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: An invalid string identifying a context was provided. "" was received, and one of "admin,primary_attendee,attendee" was expected.

Your site doesn’t through an error.

Can I get access to the DB to take a look?

Drio LLC

March 24, 2024 at 1:48 pm

Interesting… I’ve asked my colleague to give you access to the DB. But for now, to do thing its okay to update the plugin? Last time I updated it, it messed up our event tables


  • Support Staff

March 24, 2024 at 4:32 pm

This reply has been marked as private.

Drio LLC

March 25, 2024 at 10:59 am

This reply has been marked as private.

Drio LLC

March 26, 2024 at 11:06 am

In addition, I’ve tested the site with the latest version of EE core and it caused this,
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught RuntimeException: Invalid arguments supplied for the EE_CPT_Event_Strategy class, 3 were required but 2 were passed. in /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/EE_Registry.core.php:1295#012Stack trace:#012#0 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/EE_Registry.core.php(929): EE_Registry->_create_object(‘EE_CPT_Event_St…’, Array, ‘core’, false)#012#1 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/EE_Registry.core.php(390): EE_Registry->_load(Array, ‘EE_’, ‘EE_CPT_Event_St…’, ‘core’, Array, false, true, false)#012#2 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/EE_Registry.core.php(842): EE_Registry->load_core(‘EE_CPT_Event_St…’, Array)#012#3 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/EE_Registry.core.php(850): EE_Registry->loadOrVerifyClassExists(‘EE_CPT_Event_St…’, Array, 2)#012#4 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/EE_Registry.core.php(769): EE_Registry->loadOrVerifyClassExists(‘EE_CPT_Event_St…’, Array)#012#5 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/services/loaders/CoreLoader.php(109): EE_Registry->create(‘EE_CPT_Event_St…’, Array, true, false, false, false)#012#6 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/services/loaders/CachingLoader.php(157): EventEspresso\core\services\loaders\CoreLoader->load(‘EE_CPT_Event_St…’, Array, true)#012#7 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/services/loaders/Loader.php(81): EventEspresso\core\services\loaders\CachingLoader->load(‘EE_CPT_Event_St…’, Array, true)#012#8 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/services/loaders/Loader.php(104): EventEspresso\core\services\loaders\Loader->load(‘EE_CPT_Event_St…’, Array)#012#9 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/CPTs/CptQueryModifier.php(374): EventEspresso\core\services\loaders\Loader->getShared(‘EE_CPT_Event_St…’, Array)#012#10 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/CPTs/CptQueryModifier.php(252): EventEspresso\core\CPTs\CptQueryModifier->cptStrategyClass(‘Event’)#012#11 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/CPTs/CptQueryModifier.php(98): EventEspresso\core\CPTs\CptQueryModifier->init()#012#12 [internal function]: EventEspresso\core\CPTs\CptQueryModifier->__construct(‘espresso_events’, Array, Object(EE_Events_Table_Template_Query), Object(EventEspresso\core\services\request\CurrentPage), Object(EventEspresso\core\services\request\Request), Object(EventEspresso\core\services\loaders\Loader))#012#13 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/EE_Registry.core.php(1308): ReflectionClass->newInstanceArgs(Array)#012#14 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/EE_Registry.core.php(800): EE_Registry->_create_object(‘EventEspresso\\c…’, Array, ”, false)#012#15 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/services/loaders/CoreLoader.php(109): EE_Registry->create(‘EventEspresso\\c…’, Array, true, false, false, ”)#012#16 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/services/loaders/CachingLoader.php(157): EventEspresso\core\services\loaders\CoreLoader->load(‘EventEspresso\\c…’, Array, true)#012#17 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/services/loaders/Loader.php(81): EventEspresso\core\services\loaders\CachingLoader->load(‘EventEspresso\\c…’, Array, true)#012#18 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/services/loaders/Loader.php(104): EventEspresso\core\services\loaders\Loader->load(‘EventEspresso\\c…’, Array)#012#19 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/CPTs/EE_CPT_Strategy.core.php(340): EventEspresso\core\services\loaders\Loader->getShared(‘EventEspresso\\c…’, Array)#012#20 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/CPTs/EE_CPT_Strategy.core.php(324): EE_CPT_Strategy->_generate_CptQueryModifier(Object(EE_Events_Table_Template_Query), ‘espresso_events’)#012#21 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/CPTs/EE_CPT_Strategy.core.php(166): EE_CPT_Strategy->_process_WP_Query_post_types(Object(EE_Events_Table_Template_Query))#012#22 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): EE_CPT_Strategy->pre_get_posts(Object(EE_Events_Table_Template_Query))#012#23 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)#012#24 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-includes/plugin.php(565): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)#012#25 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-includes/class-wp-query.php(1881): do_action_ref_array(‘pre_get_posts’, Array)#012#26 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-includes/class-wp-query.php(3824): WP_Query->get_posts()#012#27 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-includes/class-wp-query.php(3956): WP_Query->query(Array)#012#28 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/eea-events-table-view-template-off/EES_Espresso_Events_Table_Template.shortcode.php(404): WP_Query->__construct(Array)#012#29 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/eea-events-table-view-template-off/EES_Espresso_Events_Table_Template.shortcode.php(246): EE_Events_Table_Template_Query->__construct(Array)#012#30 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(433): EES_Espresso_Events_Table_Template->process_shortcode(Array, ”, ‘ESPRESSO_EVENTS…’)#012#31 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag(Array)#012#32 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(273): preg_replace_callback(‘/\\[(\\[?)(ESPRES…’, ‘do_shortcode_ta…’, ‘<div class=”fus…’)#012#33 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(326): do_shortcode(‘<div class=”fus…’)#012#34 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters(‘<div class=”fus…’, Array)#012#35 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/fusion-builder/shortcodes/fusion-text.php(140): apply_filters(‘fusion_text_con…’, ‘<div class=”fus…’, ‘\n<p>These class…’)#012#36 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(433): FusionSC_FusionText->render(”, ‘\n<p>These class…’, ‘fusion_text’)#012#37 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag(Array)#012#38 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(273): preg_replace_callback(‘/\\[(\\[?)(fusion…’, ‘do_shortcode_ta…’, ‘<div class=”fus…’)#012#39 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-column-element.php(588): do_shortcode(‘<div class=”fus…’)#012#40 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(433): Fusion_Column_Element->render(Array, ‘[fusion_menu_an…’, ‘fusion_builder_…’)#012#41 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag(Array)#012#42 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(273): preg_replace_callback(‘/\\[(\\[?)(fusion…’, ‘do_shortcode_ta…’, ‘[fusion_builder…’)#012#43 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-row-element.php(123): do_shortcode(‘[fusion_builder…’)#012#44 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(433): Fusion_Row_Element->render(”, ‘[fusion_builder…’, ‘fusion_builder_…’)#012#45 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag(Array)#012#46 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(273): preg_replace_callback(‘/\\[(\\[?)(fusion…’, ‘do_shortcode_ta…’, ‘[fusion_builder…’)#012#47 /nas/content/live/capitalwineprd/wp-content/plugins/fusion-builder/shortcodes/fusion-container.php(1095

please let me know how we can proceed, because aside from that, when we try to move an attendee using the attendee mover extension like usual, we also get a critical error

Drio LLC

March 27, 2024 at 10:49 am

Hi Tony and Rio,

Any updates on here?
We are still having issues with emails.
Is there a way to address the ‘No recipient’ entries?
Like can we rebuild the email with all the missing fields filled?

Drio LLC

March 29, 2024 at 10:19 am

Hi Support,
any updates here?


  • Support Staff

April 3, 2024 at 8:24 am

Hi there,

Apologies for the delay, there’s a lot of data to through and I requested some feedback on this to confirm what I was looking at, which took a little longer than usual due to the holidays.

I’ve been reviewing the database and in short, there has to be something more going on here as there is a bunch of data just missing from the database (there are large ‘groups’ of data just missing). So the reason your custom message template isn’t working is that the rows for that template are missing from the database table, that was likely the same issue with the default message templates and disabling/re-enabling them recreated those rows (that’s not something you can do with the custom templates).

The custom message template can’t currently work because there is no data to generate it with, this is the table used to hold template data organised by message GRP ID:

The custom template on your site is GRP_ID 15, see how it stops at 14 and them jumps to 55? There’s a whole bunch of data missing.

Second issue is our emails are not sending since the 17th of March.

What happened on the site/server on the 16/17th of March?

Do you have any database backups from before when this happened?

Drio LLC

April 3, 2024 at 11:26 am

Hi Tony,
Happy to hear back from you again.
That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out as well.
The only thing I could find, which is so far off is that we had a ninja form entry that came in from our ‘Delete Data Request Form’ which felt like was the trigger.
Form was visible at, ../privacy-policy/
which I’ve disabled on the live site.
I couldn’t connect the form to EE myself with how it was able to affect the message templates.
Do you think this is it?


  • Support Staff

April 3, 2024 at 2:32 pm

I’d like to say no, but as much as I’d like to, I can’t give you a definitive answer.

‘Something’ has gone through and deleted stuff from the database, be that as a ‘cleanup’, Delete Data Request, a random “what is this, don’t know, just get rid” job…. I can’t say what but something has removed a bunch of data here. I wont even rule our Event Espresso doing it itself (although I do highly doubt it), however, I can say that before EE deletes anything it checks for a bunch of relationships and drops out if it finds any it can’t remove. So generally it won’t allow you to just delete ‘parts’ of data leaving other data orphaned.

Deleting the data I referenced above would only be done within EE itself if the custom template was removed as part of a whole routine, yet the custom template (it’s not the only one affected so this is just a random click of a button that’s gone wrong) remains and all of its related data removed.

Do you have a ‘recent’ database backup from before this happened when everything worked but not old enough to have a huge amount of changes to the template?

I’m trying to work out what the best way to move forward from this is going to be, in all likelihood we may not find out what has caused this and we could spend forever trying to figure out what it may or may or not have been.

Drio LLC

April 4, 2024 at 2:02 pm

Hi Tony,

Thank you so much for all your help.
On the last week of march, I had updated the site owners of the situation and have removed that delete form completely from the production site.

We do have a copy of the DB prior to the issues on the 16th of March, I believe we can pull that from hosting, but so far the site and EE is working fine. We want to keep it that way.

Again, we really appreciate your time and support.

Thank you,

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