
Home Forums Multiple Event Registration Add-on Multiple event payment confirmation emails

Multiple event payment confirmation emails

Posted: July 3, 2012 at 4:48 pm

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Emily Harris

July 3, 2012 at 4:48 pm

I am having problems with the multiple events not processing all of the payment confirmation emails for each of the different shows (events). See example email below, but essentially it’s taking payment (via Paypal) for them all but only sending out one confirmation email for one of the shows (events) and we are having to send out the remaining ones manually.

Over the next 2 weeks we will be selling several thousand tickets ( so we really need to get it sorted asap.

I have just purchased the business licence, and upgraded from to in the hope that this will resolve the problems I have been having but in the mean time I’d be very grateful if you are able to advise me if this is an issue that has been addressed in the recent upgrade and if not, how it can be resolved.

Thanks in advance.

Example email:
“I’ve received the confirmation below dated 6 June but this appears to be just for one show (She Stoops to Conquer). I’ve booked for four performances, not just one. Could you please send the other three e-tickets.

From memory these should be:

Tuesday 17/7 Holmes and Watson 7-9pm x 2 £18
Wednesday 18/7 Little Red Riding Hood 4.40-5.15pm x 3 £18
Friday 20/7 One for the Road 7-9pm x 2 £18

I booked 2 tickets for She Stoops to Conquer 7-9pm £18

This Is An Automated Response

This is your e-ticket. Please print off this email as proof and bring along to confirm payment.

Thank You Marilyn Sturgeon

We have just received a payment in the amount of £72.00 for your registration to She Stoops to Conquer by Oliver Goldsmith.

Booking confirmation ID: D4CT7886468967251G

This event starts at 7:00 pm on 21/07/2012 and runs until 9:00 pm on 21/07/2012.


  • Support Staff

July 3, 2012 at 5:36 pm

There was work done on this recently for the Multi Event Registration + emails, so I’d recommend updating to the current version.

There should be ticket links for all events in the payment emails. I also recommend placing the [attendee_event_list] shortcode in the body of the registration confirmation and/or payment confirmation emails too, because that can help clarify what’s what.

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