
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Multiple Admin emails sent following IP address change

Multiple Admin emails sent following IP address change

Posted: May 21, 2024 at 4:42 am

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May 21, 2024 at 4:42 am

Hi All,

We have EventEspresso running on a website and the hosting company have moved the hosting package which has now changed the IP address – all DNS is updated and the site seems to be working well on the new IP.

The client has contacted us to say that they getting inundated with old Event Espresso confirmation emails from previous events. Could this possibly be attributed to the IP address change?

Many thanks in advnce for any advice.


  • Support Staff

May 21, 2024 at 6:23 am

Hi Sally,

Can you please confirm if the customers register for a new event and get emails for the old event?

Or are they just getting old emails randomly?

If they are getting the old emails randomly there might be a possibility that there are some queued messages that have been triggered after the change of hosting.

Can you please go to EE > Messages and confirm if there are any messages sent recently?


May 21, 2024 at 8:30 am

Hi Sam,

Thanks for the update. It seems that there are hundreds of emails (35+ pages) listed in the Messages with a modified date of 20th / 21st relating to emails sent to the both the client and the admin which correlates to the IP address change on the 20th, yesterday.

So, do you think that these are indeed queued messages that have been sent out following the IP change? Why would they have been stacked up? Any idea?



  • Support Staff

May 21, 2024 at 9:58 am

Can you please confirm if the customer got the old event email while registering for an event?

Or did they get a random email of the old registration?


May 22, 2024 at 5:21 am

The emails did not seem to be related to any specific new event booking. It seems like the IP address change just triggered the sending of messages in the queue.
Looking at this historically from the past couple of weeks, we have a theory, the hosting provider had moved the package to a new server and was using IP translation so the site loaded on the old IP address – this IP translation would have potentially caused the emails not to send! Once we changed the DNS so that it was the correct IP of the server it seems that triggerred the send.
Does that theory sound plausable?


May 22, 2024 at 5:21 am

The emails did not seem to be related to any specific new event booking. It seems like the IP address change just triggered the sending of messages in the queue.
Looking at this historically from the past couple of weeks, we have a theory, the hosting provider had moved the package to a new server and was using IP translation so the site loaded on the old IP address – this IP translation would have potentially caused the emails not to send! Once we changed the DNS so that it was the correct IP of the server it seems that triggerred the send.
Does that theory sound plausable to you too?


May 22, 2024 at 5:21 am

The emails did not seem to be related to any specific new event booking. It seems like the IP address change just triggered the sending of messages in the queue.
Looking at this historically from the past couple of weeks, we have a theory, the hosting provider had moved the package to a new server and was using IP translation so the site loaded on the old IP address – this IP translation would have potentially caused the emails not to send! Once we changed the DNS so that it was the correct IP of the server it seems that triggerred the send.
Does that theory sound plausable to you too?

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