
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Multi Event Registration and Members – Attendee Pre-approval

Multi Event Registration and Members – Attendee Pre-approval

Posted: November 18, 2012 at 10:41 am

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Kirsty Cameron

November 18, 2012 at 10:41 am


I have the ‘Multi Event Registration and Members’ installed. I want to pre-approve attendees. With this config, it looks like your code never goes near function ‘espresso_pending_registration_approval’, because it’s only ever called from function ‘events_payment_page’, which is negated in function ‘event_espresso_add_attendees_to_db’ at line 578-580:

if (!$multi_reg) {
return events_payment_page($attendee_id);

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

November 27, 2012 at 3:33 pm

You need to turn on the attendee pre-approval option on the General Settings page.


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