
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Modify Ticket Price after ticket purchase?

Modify Ticket Price after ticket purchase?

Posted: May 6, 2014 at 9:12 am


May 6, 2014 at 9:12 am

In EE4 we can no longer modify prices after a ticket has been purchased. This along with no coupon codes significantly impacts our ability to use this software. Will this change in the future. Will this ability be returned to EE? I am confused why you removed the ability to change the price when it was a previous function of EE3

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

May 6, 2014 at 9:19 am


I recently created a feature request for the developers with some ideas on how this could be handled through the registrations screen.



May 8, 2014 at 5:48 am

Lorenzo, is this something I can do manually in the wp database until developers have.. developed? I urgently need to change prices for members that have booked and paid a deposit for an event -Now I need to adjust their total amount due to the actual event price.

I’ve tried to change amounts in esp_line_item – it does update the details on bookings but doesn’t affect the total transaction amount. How is this calculated?

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

May 8, 2014 at 5:41 pm


You could create an additional event to handle balance for the event.



May 8, 2014 at 11:43 pm

@tgrady sorry to be imposing on your post!

@lorenzo we have 116 currently booked with deposits paid, my plan was to go into each and adjust their price to full package price. If I create a new event (or even new tickets) I’ll need to re-add them (and all questions) to the new event. I could allow them to re-register for the new event to pay, but that’s an inconvenience for someone that has already registered, and then they’ll have two different booking reference numbers – I will need to check two different events to find out how much someone has paid so far (Instalments).

If I create a new event I will just put the full amount due, then apply their deposit payment, in which case I need a quick way of re-adding 117 registrants… Batch import for EE4 would be great right now.. or just a search and replace in the database


  • Support Staff

May 9, 2014 at 5:13 am

Hi bigbusinesshq,

Partial Payments have not yet been implemented within Event Espresso 3/4, the method you are describing (altering the Ticket price after a registration) was a workaround users found within EE3 to give them a form of that functionality.

Within EE4 there are multiple relationships based on tickets, updating the price within the DB is not advisable and not something we could officially support.

If I create a new event I will just put the full amount due, then apply their deposit payment, in which case I need a quick way of re-adding 117 registrants… Batch import for EE4 would be great right now.. or just a search and replace in the database

Due to EE4 currently being in Beta there is currently no full export/import feature which would be needed for this. Search and replace also would not work for the transactions.

The best option currently is to create another event with either the full ticket value, or the value of the remaining balance and register the attendees onto that event manually. Personally I would create a new event with the full value, and then transfer all the details from the first event to this one. That way you’ll only have one event to manage.

Be sure to have a full site back (most importantly the database) before attempting any fixes.

How will the attendee’s be making these partial payments?


May 9, 2014 at 5:38 am

Thanks @Tony – transferring all to new bookings is the way forward … (or to new tickets for the full value on the existing event which would be my preferred way)

Just to explain, its for a weekender, members pay a £25 deposit to secure space, then pay instalments via our bank account OR using paypal buttons on a page on the website each month (We check that account every few days and add latest transactions manually)

This is how we worked on our previous plugin (events manager Which also allowed members to log in to wordpress and view their current payments to date / balance outstanding)
The ticket price was set to £25 for e.g, they booked normally via the site, paid by paypal and were registered. Then we logged in and changed their ticket price to the full price.
Note I still need the deposit payment available for new members to register. So i’ll setup hidden tickets and move them all over.



  • Support Staff

May 9, 2014 at 6:04 am

No Problem 🙂

Unfortunately any solution for your current situation is a little ‘messy’.

It is also possible to apply payments to the transaction above the value of the ticket.

However the Transaction will then show as ‘Overpaid’ (which will also be reflected on the Invoice) and that will be viewable to the Registrant.

I can tell you that Partial Payments are on the roadmap for EE4 and we are working as quickly as possible to include them, which will make situations like these easier. (Although I can not currently give a timeline for release)

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