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Mobile ticketing over 2000 attendees

Posted: October 13, 2014 at 3:56 pm

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Paul Babey

October 13, 2014 at 3:56 pm

We are planing a nonprofit conference with over 2000 attendees. Will the mobile ticketing do it’s job with so many attendees? Like I understand the app has to pull out through API over 2000 attendees to the mobile device.


  • Support Staff

October 14, 2014 at 1:56 am

Hi Paul,

Which mobile app are you looking to use, iOS or Android? (both should work with that qty, however there are a couple of different ways to use the app)

With the current setup it also depends on the hosting you are using, generally (although not always) we start to notice timeouts with attendee limits of 3000 when loading the full attendee list into the app. Depending on your wp_memory_limit you may also notice memory exhaustion (again depends on hosting and the questions asked within the registration) but this is easily fixed by editing your wp-config.php file to increase memory, more info can be found here:

However, both apps now have a simple scan mode which will scan a QR, confirm the event it is for and then check the attendee in/out without the need to load the full attendee list. To note however this is a little slower than with the attendee list loaded.

Paul Babey

October 14, 2014 at 10:28 am

We have dedicated server.

– What would be preferable wp_memory_limit for this qty?
– Where can we change between modes? (You are saying there is load attendee and simple mode)
– Does the timeouts depend on internet speed?

Update Questions:
Trying to update but get this message:
A new version of Event Espresso is available. View What’s New with version A valid Support License Key is needed to enable automatic upgrades. Your current account does not allow automatic upgrades on more than one domain.

The same for API plugin

We do use it only on 1 domain, why is this?


  • Support Staff

October 14, 2014 at 10:53 am

We do use it only on 1 domain, why is this?

We have seen an increase in these notices and are investigating the cause, for the time being I have reset your license key.

Please go to Event Espresso -> General Settings.

Remove the license key (cut) and save the settings, replace the license key (paste) and save the settings once more.

Be sure to check for any white space before/after the key when pasting.

That should then allow you to update.

– What would be preferable wp_memory_limit for this qty?

Generally speaking the higher the better, 96/128/256/512MB the more you ask of the site, the more memory you need. I usually set 128MB to start, and increase if needed (although rarely) It also depends on what else you use the server for (is it a dedicated server only for this site?) and how much physical memory you have been allocated.

– Where can we change between modes? (You are saying there is load attendee and simple mode)

Its not so much ‘switching’ modes, but how the app is used. I use the Android app mostly, so speaking in terms of the Android app when you normally use the app, you log into the app, find the event in the list, tap it, the app loads all of the attendees and you can hit scan and the app already knows which event these tickets should be for (as you selected it).

The other way to use the app is to log in, hit scan & then scan a ticket. This requires confirmation of the event, so when you scan, the app will ask you to confirm the event, once you have done so, the attendee is checked in.

The latter does not need to load all of the attendee’s, just checks your current attendee is valid.

– Does the timeouts depend on internet speed?

It can do, but usually not. PHP timeouts, usually by default a PHP script has 30 seconds to do its job. When loading large amounts of attendees, you are pulling a lot of data, which can take more than 30 seconds. You’ll then get a PHP timeout error (within the app no attendees will load and an error displayed)

On a dedicated server you’ll likely find 2000 attendees no problem. But as mentioned it depends on many factors, such as how many registration questions you are using etc.

Paul Babey

October 14, 2014 at 11:45 am

Thanks again, that was a quick reply.

The key reset worked only for event espresso, but did not work for API plugin. I did though updated manually.

I do have one more Q. if you could…

In the description of mobile ticketing, you are explaining that multiple stations can be used, which means 2 or 3 representative can scan QR codes at the same time with their iPhones.

– Do all of those devices have to use the same main website login and password in order to work with the app? If yes, is it not kind of security issue, because actually you are giving, a temporally representative, access to your whole site?!

Thanks for your time.


  • Support Staff

October 14, 2014 at 12:40 pm

No they don’t have to use the same main website login and password, nor do we recommend setting things up that way for the reasons you mention.

They can all be logged in with unique accounts, with separate login credentials. They will only have access to event related items if you give them an Espresso admin account (requires the Espresso Permissions add-on).

Paul Babey

October 14, 2014 at 1:41 pm


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