Posted: July 9, 2013 at 11:07 pm
When exporting the attendee information from an event we are missing several custom question fields. There is no column created for them. I have confirmed by looking at the attendee information directly that the details are there. The only other hint I can give is the the attendee first name, last name and email are outputted twice (two sets of columns). Possibly these columns were supposed to have the custom question information. Installation information below. WordPress Version: Installation is upgraded, this is for a long time installation of event espresso. |
Another possible hint. I tried a different events export function and all the information is there, including the duplicate name and email information. The two events that are having the export issues were copies of previous events, possibly that copy introduced the issue. |
I think I tracked down the issue but I am unsure how I got into this state. In exports php there is an array created: $ignore = array( 1, 2, 3 ); This $ignore list is checked to see if the question should be exported by comparing the question_id. In my case the questions not showing up have IDs 1 and 2. I did a quick test setting $ignore to 0 and I get the questions now. Can someone from event espresso follow up with an idea on how this happened. Possibly an older version allowed questions with ID numbers starting at 1 and now these are reserved? I have a work around for now but would like to figure out how to solve this properly. Thanks |
I checked on this and I think the $ignore array is preventing the First Name, Last Name, and Email ( which should be ID’s 1,2,and 3 respectively) columns from being displayed twice in the export. Later on it pulls the First Name, Last Name, and Email from the events_attendee table. There was an issue with a few versions of Event Espresso back about a year ago where the custom questions were not getting saved properly in the database. There was a fix posted in the older forums that might help if it’s the same issue: |
Hi Josh, Thanks for following up. I checked the link you sent and the database and all the custom questions have the NULL value. My issue seems to be that a few of my custom questions got assigned IDs 1 to 3. In my setup now first name, last name and email are IDs 10, 11, 12. Not sure how this happened. The only solution I can think of would be to wait until all the events are completed and then reorder the question numbers into the expected values. |
Sounds like a plan. Or you could change the $ignore array to 10,11,12 if your first name, last name, and email columns are repeating in the exports. |
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