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Missing Registrations

Posted: April 7, 2013 at 2:57 pm


April 7, 2013 at 2:57 pm

I have two sites that are running EE and they are both losing registrations. We will receive confirmation emails for their registrations but when we go to the attendees screen they are not there (we request all rows from the database) and they don’t export from there either. I double checked the database and they are not their either.

For one event ( had 13 emails confirming registrations and only 1 that is actually in the system.

The other site you guys have been looking into for other problems but, it is also doing this. Our latest event ( that is now closed had 13 people showing as registered in the EE interface but there were at least another 3 or 4 that didn’t get registered but that we received confirmation emails for.

As you can see, these are not events with large numbers of attendees. Any idea why they are dropping out of the system?


  • Support Staff

April 8, 2013 at 9:05 am

Hi there,

I’m not sure why these are dropping out of the system. I checked the registration form and ran a test registration and everything looks in order. Is the test registration that I ran in the system?


April 8, 2013 at 8:39 pm

Yes, your test user did get registered. This seems like the same issue I had on another site: for which I never got a solid answer on.

I just tried to test it again. I registered 3 teams for an event. One right after the other (test 1, test 2, test 3), using the same attendee email address for all of them. I received a confirmation email for the test 1 and test 3 registration but not test 2. When I went into the event on the admin side of the site only the test 3 registration shows as registered.

I then waited about 5 minutes and registered again 2 times simultaneously (test 4 and test 5) using for test 4 the same attendee email address as before and for test 5 a different email. In the admin area, the test 4 registration with the same email address seems to have overwritten the previous registration that was there(test 3). The second registration doesn’t show up in the admin area but I did get an attendee confirmation email for both test 4 and test 5.

Finally, I tried to check the admin area after each registration. I did test 6 and it showed up in the admin area. I then did test 7 and it replaced the spot where test 6 was. When I did test 8 it replaced test 7, each time overwriting the last submission. I did wait about 30 minutes after the last test and it did create a new entry for this set (leaving test 5 intact).

All confirmation emails for attendees and admin where sent out and received this time around.

This is obviously a software problem on your side since I didn’t change anything other than some of the event display and registration display pages in the template files.

To speed up the process I sent the site login info to you via and referenced this string.

I really need to get this problem fixed. My client is losing customers daily. Please help ASAP.

Sidney Harrell

April 9, 2013 at 8:51 am

To start a new registration and not overwrite the current registration, the current registration must be closed off. This is normally done by visiting one of the pages at the end of the registration process, such as the Thank You page. Try submitting a registration, then visiting the Thank You page, then submitting another registration, visiting the Thank You page, submitting another registration, etc.


April 9, 2013 at 1:52 pm

So after hitting Confrim Regitration and getting to the page that says I can go on to paypal that doesn’t solidify the registration? The problem with that is two fold. First, many of the customers pay by check, which means they may never get to the Thank You page. Second, how are clients supposed to know that they have to continue through the entire payment process? The process should be to enter your data in the Form on the Registration Page, Click Submit, Check the data on the following page and click Confirm registration.

In the tests that I preformed above there may be the moment that two people are registering within a few minutes of each other and their registrations are not confirmed.

This is not a fix for the problem. Your software worked great until I upgraded it. I have been using it on these sites for over a year and never had this problem until the upgrade.

Please give me a solution that can be used to fix it. I am a web designer and really like your software and use it for any client who has events to register because it was always reliable. If the problem can’t be fixed then tell me and I will use another software. This has been going on for weeks with various submissions to your support forum.


  • Support Staff

April 10, 2013 at 8:18 am

Hi Matthew,

One solution for you is to activate the check payment option so that people can close out their registration if they intend to pay later by check. When you test out multiple repeated registrations and actually hit the thank you page by clicking on the Check/Money order payments option, then “click here to finalize your registration” you’ll find that the registrations will finalize as expected.

Sidney Harrell

April 10, 2013 at 8:28 am

The registration is recorded as soon as the registration form is submitted. However, since you are in the same session, if you hit the browser back button and go back to the registration form, change something and resubmit, the changes overwrite the first registration. If someone is paying by check, and they select the check option and hit the link that says “finalize your registration”, it takes you to the thank you page, which resets the session id. If someone pays by Paypal, when they return from Paypal to the thank you page, it resets the session id. If someone registers, gets to the payment page and walks away, they’re registration is saved. However, if someone registers again for the same event in the same session, the system assumes that they are correcting their previous registration. You could put in a button on the payment page saying “If you are going to register again, please click here first” with a link to the thank you page.

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