
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Migrating to EE4

Migrating to EE4

Posted: February 27, 2014 at 3:37 pm

Ted Karlsalr

February 27, 2014 at 3:37 pm

Hi there,
I was playing around with EE4 for bit and really love the new features. My question is if I upgrade from EE3 business license to EE4, is it possible to downgrade back to EE3 without loosing data, if I come across a problem?


  • Support Staff

February 27, 2014 at 4:13 pm

Hi Ted,

Depending on your situation you might (or might not) want to replace EE3 with EE4. In general, our recommendation hinges on: what features you require, and whether you want to use your EE3 data in EE4.

Event Espresso 4 is ready to accept unaltered data that has been prepared by Event Espresso 3.1.36 (or greater). If you haven’t modified your EE3 database structure then you can migrate your data from EE3 to EE4. If you have modified your database structure, the migration scripts may not function properly.

As a good practice, please backup your website database before migrating. If you choose to migrate back to EE3 you will need to have the backup version to revert back to.

Here is a link with more information on migrating to EE4:


Nikki Wells

Ted Karlsalr

February 27, 2014 at 10:31 pm

Hi Nikki,
Thank you for quick reply. I don’t need all the add ons on my EE3 business license and the features in EE4 that an event can have different dates and times and tickets are appealing to me.
I haven’t modified anything in EE3 and just added some questions and created some question groups.
My questions here are: 1-if i upgrade to EE4 will I need to recreate those things or they are going to be added to new EE4?
2-Calander is not that important to me, but the EVENT page that shows a summery of all events is very important. Does EE4 have the EVENT page construction?
3-When I buy the license is it going to be added to my existing account and extend the support for 12 more month?
I really appreciate your guys hard work and am a big supporter and recommended EE3 to all of my network people.


February 28, 2014 at 1:47 am

Hi Ted,

1) EE4 will migrate over EE3 data, such as events etc. Any add on specific data such as tickets, seating plans etc will not get migrated currently.

2) I assume you mean the event list? If so, then yes it does. All EE4 events are posts (custom post type), so the event list is in fact a list of posts. They do look a lot different than EE3 though, as they use the themes CSS to style them (just like a post) so you may need to do some styling.

3) As an existing EE3 licence holder you don’t need to buy an extra licence to run EE4, check the EE4 tab in the Downloads section of your Account page.

We have a demo site for EE4 should you wish to give it a whirl –

As Nikki rightly said, if you do upgrade, BACKUP everything prior to doing so, that way you can revert back should you wish to.

This article contains a lot of information about the version differences, and licence etc –

Ted Karlsalr

February 28, 2014 at 10:27 am

Thank you Dean, EE team support is awesome. I think I am going to look at the demo site a little more before upgrading as my site is live and I don’t want to mess around.

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