
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Migrating From EE3 to EE4

Migrating From EE3 to EE4

Posted: October 22, 2014 at 3:03 pm

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Chris Hardcastle

October 22, 2014 at 3:03 pm

We are looking to migrate our EE3 site over to EE4 to take advantage of some of the newer features. On our current site we have the following EE plugins.

EE Calendar
EE Roles & Permissions – Basic
EE Roles & Permissions – Pro
EE Certificate
EE Infusionsoft

What I need to know is the following:

The EE Roles & Permissions, will this work in EE4? If not, when will this plugin be updated to work with EE4?

The EE Certificate I know doesn’t work in EE4, when will you have this available in EE4? How can I get this expedited?

Please don’t suggest that I hire a developer. I have been ripped of by 2 supposed developers already. I have paid a lot of money to licence your product over the years. All I am asking for is the same level of functionality be available in an upgrade as is available in the legacy (EE3) version.

Looking forward to your response.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

October 22, 2014 at 4:27 pm

Hi Chris,

The following add-ons are not available for Event Espresso 4:

Roles & Permissions – Basic
Roles & Permissions – Pro

The following add-ons are available for Event Espresso 4:

Events Calendar add-on
EE4 Infusionsoft Integration

We do not have an estimate on the add-ons that aren’t available. None of them will be available for this year.

If you are interested in sponsoring some development for these add-ons, then please get in touch through the following form and a team member will follow up with you:


Chris Hardcastle

October 23, 2014 at 8:53 am


I would like you to escalate this issue to someone on the executive team.

I am disappointed in the way EE is handling the role out for EE4. You are very much aware of the features that many of us use in EE3. You bring EE4 out and many of the features that are integrated into EE4 are excellent and we would like to use them, yet many of the features that we already rely on from EE3 are not available yet or ever.

Before EE4 was made available, you should have had all of the features that we have come to rely on in EE3 ready to go. You guys really dropped the ball on one.

In terms of “SPONSORING” new features, as suggested above. These are not new features that I am looking for. These are existing features that should already be made available existing clients.

I would now like a public commitment from EE to make these features available by the end of the year for EE4, that is the least that you can do for the clients who have stuck with you over the years.

Your plugin is one of the most expensive on the market. When I pay over 500.00 for a developers licence for multiple sites I expect that you are going to provide me with an exceptional product. So far this year we can’t migrate to EE4 because that product is not ready to meet our needs.

I await your response.


  • Support Staff

October 23, 2014 at 11:18 am

Hi Chris,

How are you today?

I’ll do my best to share what is going on. We are doing our best, we really are and a few things may be helpful to understand:


Before EE4 was made available, you should have had all of the features that we have come to rely on in EE3 ready to go. You guys really dropped the ball on one.

We think about this a little differently and depending on who you are you might or might not agree. But when it comes to releasing EE4, IF, we had waited until we had complete feature parity between EE3 and EE4, then EE4 would still not be available. It will take us another 1-2 years to reach full feature parity between EE3 and EE4. EE3 has been in development for about 6 years, and EE4 is only getting to the 2+ mark. We are really moving pretty quickly and the initial framework and versions are the hardest and slowest. We are also gaining momentum, but I understand sometimes it seems that it all happens too slowly. I share that sentiment at times, but we are working as quickly as we can.

So, EE4 would not exists and those who do successfully use EE4 would not have the features that better fit their needs than does EE3. We have chosen to make great features and software available to those who can use it and where it meets their needs. We know EE4 doesn’t meet everyone’s needs and I’m sure it never will, but we decided to help as many people as we can as soon as we can instead of holding back the code and features that everyone has helped contribute to building.

Does that make sense? We believe we would be doing many users a disservice by holding back what is currently available and awesome.


In terms of “SPONSORING” new features, as suggested above. These are not new features that I am looking for. These are existing features that should already be made available existing clients.

We are making features available as quickly as we can, but we see sponsoring as a way to require that we make some things a higher priority than others. The features you identified are not the most requested, so sponsoring is like being able to prioritize things to the front of the line…e.g. which is what we do with new gateway sponsorships and such.


I would now like a public commitment from EE to make these features available by the end of the year for EE4, that is the least that you can do for the clients who have stuck with you over the years.

Would this be fair to customers who have sponsored other development OR fair to customers who collectively have requested other features more than the ones you have identified and which features are also part of EE3 but not yet part of EE4?


  • EE Roles & Permissions – Basic
  • EE Roles & Permissions – Pro
  • EE Certificate

The EE4 Roles & Permissions system will be a little bit different than in EE3. This time we are adding the capabilities into the EE4 core, then you will be able to use your favorite role plugin (free from to manage the roles and assignments. This mean that there will not be a new add-on and it will be included in core. This means more flexibility and less cost. Also, the capability system is available in EE 4.5 which is in the last phase of testing. So, it is coming soon which you were not aware of.

The Certificate product is simply a html template for the Ticketing functionality. The Ticketing functionality is also coming soon after 4.5 is released. We will not provide a Certificate template initially per-se because any user familiar with HTML can create that. However, we will creating one based off the EE3 template.

Overall, I hope what I shared with you as good news because most of what you are asking for is coming along soon.

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Seth Shoultes. Reason: Fixed spelling
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