
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Migrating from 3 to 4 — any gotchas?

Migrating from 3 to 4 — any gotchas?

Posted: June 3, 2015 at 8:02 am

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Valerie J Cudnik

June 3, 2015 at 8:02 am

When I purchased my license last year, v4 was out, but many of the add-ons and the apps didn’t work with it yet, so I had to go with 3.

I really need the “Maximum number of tickets” option in 4 for my group as they frequently have members buying a mixed number of member vs non-member tickets for events. Thus an upgrade is in my immediate future.

I’m currently running Version, but I need to know if I should expect any problems when upgrading to v4.

  • Ticketing
  • App use/json api
  • member integration
  • calendar
  • custom display
  • mailchimp integration
  • recurring events

BTW, this forum would be a lot more useful if the results were displayed better, and if one could filter the results based on the version of the software they were using.


  • Support Staff

June 3, 2015 at 10:16 am

Hi Valerie,

I’ll break down each of the items in your list.

EE4 has the Printable Tickets Add-on, any custom tickets you currently have for EE3 would need to be re-created for EE4.

App use/json api
EE4 has no official App integration currently, however there is the EE4 Ticket Scanning Add-on which was intended to be used with barcode scanners. However it IS possible to use a mobile device to scan your tickets, outlined here:

Member Integration
It depends how you use this currently, EE4 has a User Integration Add-on but it works slightly differently from the EE3 version, theres no ‘My Events Section’, what did you use the EE3 User Add-on for?

EE4 has a its own calendar.

custom display
Is this the Custom Template Add-on? If so EE4 has its own version of a couple of its own:

EE4 Events Table View Template
EE4 Events Grid View Template

mailchimp integration
We have the EE4 Mailchimp Integration Add-on

recurring events
Currently EE4 does not support recurring events so you would need to manually create each instance of the event.

To note, EE4 is a vastly different system to EE3. None of the EE3 Add-ons are compatible with EE4 and vise versa.

Have you tried EE4? You can do so using our site if prefer.

  • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Josh.
  • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Tony.

Valerie J Cudnik

June 8, 2015 at 8:42 am

The demo of EE4 was useless for terms of actually testing functionality for the above considerations since my questions were all about the addons.

I’m curious to know why you haven’t created an app for the current version.

We check in members at our monthly meetings with a QR code scanner app (to see if their membership is current), similar process, but not ideal because it’s really just as easy to type in a name if we basically have to be logged in to WordPress to use it. :-/

Still the best game in town, but not a warm fuzzy about upgrading. I feel like I’m losing as much as I’m gaining and paying for the privilege.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

June 8, 2015 at 9:23 am

Hi Valerie, the JSON API add-on which helps with the communication between the mobile apps is being rewritten for Event Espresso 4. Once that is done, then we’ll revisit mobile apps for Event Espresso 4.


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