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Migrate Event

Posted: December 18, 2018 at 4:09 pm


December 18, 2018 at 4:09 pm

I’ve reviewed forum and am still unclear if what we need to do is possible. Due to virus issue last year, we created a total mirrored copy of our site with Events, etc. Subsequently, had to do complete reinstall, and due to time issues and circumstances, created new events to carry on. Looking to the New Year, we have some events that were on the old site, that we’d like to migrate to the new site (just the event, not worried about data). Is there anyway to migrate or copy events from one install to another? Thanks in advance for any help.


  • Support Staff

December 18, 2018 at 4:13 pm


This is tricky because if you have new events on the new site, and you want to migrate some, but not all, of the events from the other site, then this will involve merging parts of both databases into one. So while there is a way, it’s quite likely easier and less prone to losing data to copy the contents of the events from the original site into events you input into the new site.


December 18, 2018 at 4:18 pm

Thanks very much for speedy reply. We have separate events on the old site, and we don’t care about the data there (i.e., just want to have the events moved is what I’m trying to say). So there isn’t a data merge part to this per se…


  • Support Staff

December 19, 2018 at 5:44 am

Its still merging the data and will require multiple updates.

To explain, EE events are hybrid of custom post types and our own tables, the event itself and the description is store in the wp_posts table under its own ID.

Datetimes, tickets, message and the various other relationships within the event are all stored in our own custom tables, again they all have their own ID’s in the database.

So you event will need to be merged into your ‘new’ database, with a new ID, any relationships using that ID will need to be updated to use the new ID.

Then any datetimes, tickets etc will all need to be added to the ‘new’ tables and will all have new ID’s, so again, all of those relationships will need to be updated to use the correct ID.

You can’t just pull the data from site 1 and push it to site 2, especially when you have new events, posts etc on site 2 as you’ll end up with conflicts on the ID’s.

We don’t have an export/import feature within EE to update these relationships for you, so you’d need to either create your own or manually update the relationships, which I don’t recommend doing if you can avoid it. By the time you’ve done either of those, unless your talking thousands of unique events you may as well have just re-created the events manually.

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