
Home Forums Multiple Event Registration Add-on MER sending multiple emails when more than 1 price point selected

MER sending multiple emails when more than 1 price point selected

Posted: July 19, 2012 at 7:22 am

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July 19, 2012 at 7:22 am


I am currently using MER version 1.4 with 3.1.21p.

I have multiple price points (children and adults and toddlers). Registration goes fine, but one email is sent to the registrant at each price point. I know that this is being dealt with in 3.2, but is there any way to only send one email in 3.1 as getting 3 is confusing for the customer and they do not know if they have been charged twice or not, a situation which I would love to avoid.


  • Support Staff

July 19, 2012 at 7:34 am

That’s not something that can be changed in 3.1. That said, there was some work done in a recent version where the emails sent to the admin are truncated and the payment emails are sent only to the primary attendee. It’s better that what was before, so you might want to check out version 3.1.24.


July 19, 2012 at 7:38 am

Thanks Josh,

I tried 3.1.24 subsequently and got the same result 3 separate emails sent to the primary attendee! Any idea on availability of 3.2? Is it a month 2 months 3 months?


  • Support Staff

July 19, 2012 at 10:16 am

That’s the registration confirmation email, correct? I don’t know how you have the emails set up, but if you set them to go out after payment is made, you can make it clear in the content of the email that they have paid.

I do not have a date for 3.2. We have a planned alpha preview release that is contingent on getting the invoice payment option finished, but this will not be recommended to use in a live environment.

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