
Home Forums Multiple Event Registration Add-on MER promo code not showing up on checkout page

MER promo code not showing up on checkout page

Posted: July 7, 2017 at 3:32 am

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Dr. Shefali

July 7, 2017 at 3:32 am

We have multiple events posted here EVENT 1 and EVENT 2 When checking out the the PROMO CODE field is not showing up, we would like to use it automatically to calculate the cart total on payment overview. Please let us know how to fix it?

Also is there a way we can customize the load_checkout_page? Where people will fill in the attendee data. We would like to hide the event_description in this page, and only show up the Price Type: Main Conference and Personal Information fields.


  • Support Staff

July 7, 2017 at 5:22 am

Hi there,

When checking out the the PROMO CODE field is not showing up,

Have you enabled discounts within the cart?

Event Espresso -> General Settings -> Allow discounts in the shopping cart?

Set that to Yes to allow the promo codes to be use din the cart.

we would like to use it automatically to calculate the cart total on payment overview. Please let us know how to fix it?

Automatically apply a promo code?

Also is there a way we can customize the load_checkout_page?

The templates can be edited, however you can remove the event description from the template settings:

Event Espresso -> Template settings -> Display event descriptions in the multiple event registration pages?

Set that to No and retest.

Dr. Shefali

July 7, 2017 at 5:56 am

oh! This is fixed. thanks for the help!

On the shopping cart page, can we include a back button? this is how it shows on our shopping cart page, we want to add a back button


  • Support Staff

July 7, 2017 at 10:54 am

Not easily, to add a button there you would need to completely override the MER cart template and maintain any updates to that template/function that we add with your custom version.

If you ship to do that you’ll nee to copy the shopping_cart.php template file from within Event Espresso to /wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates/ and add your button to that file.

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