
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium MER Not Working with 2 or more registrations

MER Not Working with 2 or more registrations

Posted: April 4, 2013 at 8:51 am


April 4, 2013 at 8:51 am

I am on EE 3.1.22 with MER activated. We have been using this site for about a year with no trouble. However, recently all registrants are receiving a blank page once they submit their credit card information. If they refresh the blank page, their confirmation page shows up, however, no email is ever sent. We have not had this trouble in the past. We can duplicate it on a test server. All of our plugins are deactivated. We haven’t made any changes to the site in a while, so I can’t think we broke something.

Currently we are registering for a huge event (5000+). The phone is ringing off the hook because people are getting the blank page. On the back end, everything is going through and looks good.

The odd part is that the MER works great and the confirmation page shows up and email sent if they register just one person. However, 2 or more break generate the blank page.


Sidney Harrell

April 4, 2013 at 10:31 am

If it is happening when the CC info is submitted, then it sounds like a problem at the gateway level. Which gateway are you using? A blank page is usually indicative of a php crash. Can you access your php error log? Or run a test with wp_debug set to true?
You may want to try updating Event Espresso on your test server and see if it fixes it. It may be a change that the gateway provider made to their API that we have already compensated for.


April 4, 2013 at 12:06 pm

We didn’t find anything in the .php log. We are using Stripe. I can’t think that they would have changed anything. What is odd is that it works perfectly for 1 person, but 2 or more we get the blank page. I will try the debugging to see if it picks up anything.

Can you try our test site? Try registering 3 people with the test credit card for stripe (4242424242424242). You will see it takes you to the transaction complete page, but it just shows the id. Then, refresh the page and it displays perfectly (but email). The live site just shows a blank page, but acts the same when you refresh the page.


April 5, 2013 at 4:32 am


I have registered for a couple of events and had no issue (once I used the test credit card) getting to the thank you page

This included one cart including 3 events each with minimum 2 people.

I havent received any emails yet but wondering if thats because its a test server and not set up for this?

Is there any more info you can provide such as:

browser types being used when it fails
is it a particular event or all/any of them?


April 5, 2013 at 6:46 am

Dean, Thank you so much for testing the site! We actually upgraded to the latest version last night. It works perfectly! Thanks!


April 5, 2013 at 6:50 am

Awesome! Glad that its sorted now!

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