
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Members are having issues registering for events

Members are having issues registering for events

Posted: December 8, 2023 at 8:12 am

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December 8, 2023 at 8:12 am

Members and guest are getting error messages when registering for events. They are registered for events but still receive the error message. Member keep paying for events more than once. Other members and guests are not able to register for events. I usually get a registration email and have not been getting them.


  • Support Staff

December 8, 2023 at 12:47 pm

Hi there,

Members and guest are getting error messages when registering for events. They are registered for events but still receive the error message.

What error message are they getting?

Member keep paying for events more than once.

Can explain further? If they are getting an error message when registering, why are they paying more than once?

When is the error shown?

Other members and guests are not able to register for events.

We really need more specific details, the error shown, the steps taken, when the error is thrown etc to be able to troubleshoot this further.

I usually get a registration email and have not been getting them.

Are you getting other emails from the site?

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