
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Member log in display correct price

Member log in display correct price

Posted: November 12, 2012 at 7:48 am

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November 12, 2012 at 7:48 am

If a member logs in, and there are different types of membership, how can I just show the correct membership price on the ‘event registration’ page? Like a column displaying the membership prices, or even better, just the membership price that is relevant to their membership level.


November 12, 2012 at 10:49 am

Any ideas please?


  • Support Staff

November 12, 2012 at 6:01 pm

Hi bbradley,

When you create an event with the WP Users Integration ( addon you will enter the “member” price for each of the ticket prices. Then the member can choose the ticket they want at the member’s price. Does that make sense?


November 13, 2012 at 10:35 am

Hi Garth,

I’ve done the different prices for members and non members, but when I get through to – as a member, you can still only see the non members prices, and then if you select a non member price, the total price shows the reduction in amount for a member price. Any ideas why?

Can you also get the only price available to a member for an event, so the price equates to their membership level, rather than an opportunity to pick a cheaper rate?



  • Support Staff

November 27, 2012 at 2:19 pm

Hi there,

The non-member pricing displaying in the Multi Event Registration cart was recently fixed in an update.

Right now, Event Espresso doesn’t support member level-tiered pricing. One workaround to this would be to price out the member tickets at the same rate, and give out promo codes to the members with the levels that you want to offer a lower price to.


November 27, 2012 at 4:24 pm

Hi Josh,

I don’t understand how EE can’t support tiered-level pricing, as I’ve been able to have 3 different level tickets, each with a non-member, and member pricing.

Are you saying that, if a new member suddenly joins to get the preferential ticket price, there has to be some way of that new member knowing that they are going to receive a code to get the member discount for a ticket. This seems to be far more complex, and un user friendly. Instead of 2 different ticket prices for 3 levels, which I’ve been able to do, where the client can only get 1 price at 1 level, and if they are logged in as a member, then they get the different price?



  • Support Staff

November 28, 2012 at 7:59 am

Hi there,

If I’m understanding your follow up question correctly, this is possible. What you can do to set this up is install the WP user integration add-on and set one price for members, and set one price for non-members.

Please see this guide for more info:

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