
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Manually entered unpaid registration shows as "paid"

Manually entered unpaid registration shows as "paid"

Posted: December 10, 2014 at 7:16 am

Emily Ruff

December 10, 2014 at 7:16 am

I am entering registrations from the back-end, which are not paid. In amount paid, whether I put zero or any other configuration, they still appear with a green checkbox. This is on and I am using EE3 and latest edition of WordPress. Is there a way to manually enter unpaid registrations and show them as unpaid? Thank you.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

December 10, 2014 at 9:46 am

Hi, you can go to WP-admin –> Event Espresso –> Events Overview. Then hover over the name of an event and click on Attendees.

Then locate that attendee in the list and click on them. Edit the attendee via the edit attendee record screen and change the status from Completed to something else:

Then save changes.


Emily Ruff

December 11, 2014 at 10:08 am

Okay. I was hoping there would be a single step to enter unpaid registrations, vs having to do two steps to enter the information, and to then go back and correct the system’s default status. It seems it will be easier for us to just enter unpaid registrations through the front end and paid through the back end with this process. I’ll let our team know this option in the meantime. Thank you.


December 12, 2014 at 5:39 am


Yeah to add unpaid it is generally better to go via the front end. Adding attendees via the admin has been historically for VIP customers, or people paying with cash, thus the automatic completed status.

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