
Home Forums Ticketing Add-on Manually Adding Attendees – Conflicting Support Info on Entering Ticket Type

Manually Adding Attendees – Conflicting Support Info on Entering Ticket Type

Posted: September 24, 2013 at 2:11 pm

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Christine Doyle

September 24, 2013 at 2:11 pm

I am working on entering attendees into the system manually. When I go to enter the attendee, there is no option showing the different types of ticket for my event. The website ( says we can select what kind of ticket was purchased, yet the support documentation says ” One thing it does not show is the ticket types, you just need to enter the appropriate amount they have paid and the number of tickets they need. ” ( Support documentation was not available until I bought the license for your product. When I pull up the attendee from the attendee list (after I have entered them) it defaults to the last item in my tickets list on the event. Am I doing something wrong? I thought when we bought this item that we could designate at the time of manual entry what kind of ticket was purchased. If we enter someone and then we do not go update the attendee record as a second step – the data will incorrectly state what kind of ticket was bought.


  • Support Staff

September 25, 2013 at 12:17 pm

Hi there,

When you manually add an attendee and there are multiple ticket price options we can advise entering the attendee info via the front end of the website as the admin entry does not have the ticket price selector built in.

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