Posted: July 26, 2012 at 8:28 pm
My page here I’d like to have the 6 fields display in 2 columns instead of 6 fields straight down. Also my client wants to add price in the description manually and have the text_display Price: or whatever be hidden. I tried deleting price code from display page but then when they click submit the price didn’t carry over. I just want it hidden not to go away. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance. Jimmy |
Hi Jimmy– The first thing you’d need to do is split your questions into two separate groups, so create a separate question group for Position, Phone Number and Company (because you can’t take Email out of the Personal Information group). Then add that second question group to be a required question group for the event. When you’ve added it to the event, it will be in its own separate Similarly, if you’re just trying to remove the “Price: ” that displays before the actual value, you can hide that with css as well:
PERFECT! thanks… |
Ok, I made two separate question groups and added them to event. I added the following css but it’s not displaying correct. It may be that my css isn’t correct.
event link: |
Hey Jimmy, Chris mentioned that you purchased a support token for this, so I’m going to take a look. |
Thanks! |
Looks like the closing curly brackets were missing. I added in some alternative styles that you might try that are more more general and do not rely on specific question group ID’s. These can be ‘commented in’ if you comment out the more specific rules. |
I should mention that I’m using the wp themes custom css editor…. appearance>site options>styling options>Custom CSS This overrides the themes main styles.css |
man, did I just delete something you added? in the custom css editor? if I did I’m so sorry. I thought i added something by mistake. can you please add back if so. |
Where did you add these? Sorry, I’m doing my best to follow. |
It looks good! I didn’t delete any of your stuff. Can you tell me where you added the css? |
I feel like an idiot. Maybe I did delete your commented are if it was in the custom css editor for the theme. |
No problem Jimmy, I added them below the custom style rules in the same Custom CSS theme option box. I’ll take a look and check to see if anything got deleted. basically, the styles you had would have worked if they had a closing curly bracket at the end like this:
one example:
It is working how I wanted it to though. I just can’t seem to fins what you did. |
Looks like an edit might have wiped out what I added. I’ve added them back in now. Note that you’ll need to comment out the two specific style rules and uncomment the general style rules that are below. I added a few notes in the comments. |
Are you adding it to the custom css? I don’t know what’s going on. No one else has access but what you added still isn’t showing up on my end. I’ve completely logged out on my end now. If you could please add back one more time and let me know where you added it. I can buy more support token if needed. |
Yes, I added it to the custom CSS. It’s commented out, but it’s still there. |
Thanks for all your help. I may have more questions on the remaining pages as I complete them. Do I submit new forum item, contact you directly? As always, I understand I may be asked to purchase more support tokens. |
I would suggest creating new forum posts. |
On this page: How to hide the addition information and second confirm button? When I try it hides everything but button. Whats the div id or whatever? |
Hi Jimmy, I’ll take a look, please start up a new forum topic on this though, as this one has been marked resolved. |
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