
Home Forums MailChimp Integration MailChimp Integration: Not working with Godaddy

MailChimp Integration: Not working with Godaddy

Posted: November 5, 2012 at 9:26 pm

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Eliot Lee

November 5, 2012 at 9:26 pm

I keep getting the following error message when I enter the correct MailChimp API key via Site hosted at Godaddy.

An error occurred while attempting to connect to the MailChimp server. Error: Invalid Mailchimp API Key (631):

I spoke with both Godaddy and MailChimp.

Godaddy states they are not blocking access to the MailChimp Server. I did request that they move my site to another server with a different IP address.

MailChimp says that there is no issue on their end and to contact EE for support. They keep spitting blame at EE and ignoring the details I provide them via email.

The MailChimp Integration works just fine via my localhost dev server.


November 6, 2012 at 12:46 am

Hello Eliot,

Well this isn’t something that is down to EE, I have noticed previously that Mailchimps servers can be temperamental sometimes when it comes to API calls. is just one a of a few examples of this happening in the wild.

Have you tried generating a new API key and trying that?

Have you asked Mailchimp if your sites IP has been blocked? (longshot)

Other than that you really need to keep poking MailChimp/Godaddy to look into it, as the add on from EE’s end is quite simple in what it does (call API, provide info, done.)

As an aside, its interesting to see that that error code doesnt appear in their API documentation.

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