
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium MailChimp Integration add-on: user opt-in checkbox at registration; feature requ

MailChimp Integration add-on: user opt-in checkbox at registration; feature requ

Posted: September 16, 2015 at 6:03 am


September 16, 2015 at 6:03 am


I believe that this feature request has been touched on previously here ( and here (, so I’d like to add my voice to this also.

Currently with the MailChimp Integration, the Registrant is not offered an option checkbox to sign up to a MailChimp list. instead they get a double opt-in email from MailChimp asking to confirm subscription to the list.

This, unfortunately, means they are not asked if they would like to sign up to these MailChimp Newsletters. They just get the mail from MailChimp and that’s the first they’ve heard about it. This is jarring for the end user.

I would much rather that the registrant has the option, through a checkbox at the registration process, to subscribe to the MailChimp list.

It’s nice to ask them, rather than assume that they want to.

Could this be added to the feature request for this add-on?

Until this feature is available, I won’t be using the MailChimp integration add-on, and consider it a bad purchase.



  • Support Staff

September 16, 2015 at 6:25 am

Hi David,

I have added your post to the ticket we have for this.

Whist not ideal, you could add a required checkbox question to the registration form stating that they are signing up to the list and confirming they do, although it doesn’t allow them to conditionally set if they are signed up or not and they will still receive the opt-in email (which they can ignore if they choose not to sign up), its gives more of a ‘heads up’ that they are signing up to your mailchimp list.


September 16, 2015 at 6:31 am

Hi Tony

Thanks for adding this feature request to the queue.

I see what you’re suggesting there with the required checkbox to confirm. However, it’s not the customer experience that we want to give.


Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

September 16, 2015 at 10:06 am

Hi David, I do think that would be a better experience so I’ve also shared feedback on the feature request.

Thanks again for bringing this to our attention.


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