
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Mail not working

Mail not working

Posted: October 20, 2012 at 3:18 am

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Pascal Adam

October 20, 2012 at 3:18 am

It worked in the beginning, now it does not send any confirmation mail anymore.
Even if I use the icon resend in the Admin Overview.
I tried the following:
– Using the standard form of WP -> it send mails
– Using other Admin function in Espresso Admin to send mail -> does not work

On GUI no error is reported, so Espresso thinks mails are sent.
I get

> “Teilnehmer eine Email senden” Email erfolgreich an 2 Personen
> verschickt.43

in Admin for Group mail


> Resending email to attendee.

for single mail.

On Front-End it tells to the user that a confirmation mail has been sent:

Eine Anmeldebestätigung mit zusätzlichen Informationen wurde Ihnen per Email zugesendet.

We are NOT using Payment.

The Settings are

Zahlungsbestätgungs-Emails verschicken? NEIN

Anmeldungsbestätigung verschicken, bevor die Zahlung eingegangen ist? JA

Alternative Email-Header verwenden? NEIN

Thanks for a quick reply

Jonathan Wilson

October 20, 2012 at 9:32 pm

Hello Pascal,

When these were working before, was the email being sent out as the From: name being WordPress? There is a feature in the email settings that if enabled, it will change the From: name to the organization name set in Event Espresso>General settings. This isn’t always compatible with all mail servers, so if it’s set to use these ‘fancy email headers’, you could try setting it to not use these.

Another option would be to set up an SMTP mail account and use a plugin like theWP Mail SMTP plugin to send the email via the SMTP account.

Pascal Adam

October 21, 2012 at 4:52 pm

Thx Jonathan

no, we are not using these ‘fancy email headers’
it seems to me to be more an issue in the process.
The message “You will receive a confirmation mail” is not dependent on the function that send the mail but only on setting “send a mail before payment”. Where can i check (log for example) if the mail has been sent or which error was generated?


  • Support Staff

October 22, 2012 at 8:05 am

You can check the php error logs on the server. Another place to check is the spam folder of the account where the email is being sent to.

You could also rule out any plugin conflicts. Have there been any new plugins added or updates to existing plugins between the time when the mails were working and when they stopped?

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