Chris Eklund
January 8, 2016 at 9:32 am
Is there any way to provide a listing of events (and attendees) that are assigned to a specific person in EE4? Seems there were shortcodes in EE3 that allowed the staff_id to be set but nothing in EE4.
Ultimately, we would like to have a calendar & list view of all the events an instructor is assigned to. This way that instructor could view their upcoming classes, view the attendees, print and check-in attendees.
While they can do this in the WP Admin, it’s clunky and requires you to:
- log in, go to people, find themselves,
- view their assignments (w/ no dates, or sorting/filtering options),
- click the event,
- click the event’s registrations link,
- click the check in tab,
- THEN select the event AGAIN from the drop down to allow for editing the check-in status.
Just too many steps for what should be a common use case and handled by either EE or one of the existing plug-ins.
Can anyone help here?