
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium List Attendee Names instead of Account Names

List Attendee Names instead of Account Names

Posted: May 17, 2013 at 1:11 pm

Dan Santonocito

May 17, 2013 at 1:11 pm

I have a request from my client where they are trying to find the easiest way to print out a list of the attendee names for an event, not the account name that the attendee registered under. The reason is that the WordPress user accounts are under the parents’ names, but when registering for an event, they usually are registering a child.

This page would work great, if I could simply change it from looking at the parent’s name to the actual registered attendee name:


Thanks for any help or advice you can give!


May 18, 2013 at 10:32 am

Dan – I’m not an EE staff, but thought I’d share the way I use Eli’s Custom SQL reports plug-in for attendance reports.  A short code for a report is placed on a password protected page.  Until the move to the iPad app, they can print this out from the web page.  It works well for the “low-tech” staff and you could easily customize it to show any fields as needed.

Here’s one example attendance query:


Concat((DAYNAME(ed.start_date)),’ ‘,(MONTH(ed.start_date)),’/’,(DAYOFMONTH(ed.start_date))) as Date, st.start_time as Start_Time,

CASE ed.category_id when “1” then “Canvas”

when “2” then “Clay”

when “3” then “Glass”

END as PartyType,

substring(ed.event_name,1,24) as Event_Name,

ea.coupon_code as Reference_Code,

ea.lname as Last_Name,

ea.fname as First_Name,



FROM wp_events_detail ed, wp_events_attendee ea,wp_events_start_end st



and ea.payment_status=’Completed’

and ed.start_date >= CURRENT_DATE()

order by ed.start_date,st.start_time,event_name,last_name


May 20, 2013 at 4:32 am


If the attendees are in the childrens names and thats what you want, why not add the following shortcode to a private or hidden page and print that page out?

[LISTATTENDEES event_identifier=”your_event_identifier”]

Dan Santonocito

May 20, 2013 at 7:49 am

That shortcode could work, but including recurring events, they have hundreds of events. Would I have to make a separate page for each one?

Jonathan Wilson

May 20, 2013 at 11:42 am

Hi Dan,

Instead of using the event identifier, you could set a category for the recurring events and then use this shortcode: [LISTATTENDEES category_identifier=”your_category_identifier”]

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