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Limit to number of events?

Posted: August 20, 2012 at 11:56 pm

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August 20, 2012 at 11:56 pm

I haven’t narrowed it down to an exact figure, but it appears that if there is a total of approximately 1,000 events, the shortcode “[ESPRESSO_CALENDAR cal_view=”month”]” will fail to display (it results in a page that contains the title but is otherwise blank) if it must select from a pool of greater than 1,000 events. I suspect the number limitation rather than another factor, as the shortcode when used used with a category limiter, ie: “[ESPRESSO_CALENDAR event_category_id=”power-flow-1345098725″ cal_view=”month”]” does display correctly when selecting from a pool of fewer than 1,000 events at the same time as the other example fails.

Is this a known limitation in Event Espresso? If so, is there any plan to increase the threshold? It’s not the end of the world, but as we are using EE for events that recur weekly, it is rather easy to exceed the (perceived) limit when creating events that recur for, say, the remainder of the year.



  • This topic was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by KLPyoga.

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

August 21, 2012 at 1:30 pm

We have heard this issue before. I have not done much testing with that many events so I can’t say 100% if this is a limitation of the plugin or not. There may be any number of additional factors involved (number of database calls, amount of time it takes to run the javascript to generate a list for the calendar of that many events causing a timeout, etc). What I can say is that when the calendar is rendered, it is loading all events, not just the events for the currently-displayed month — so if you have a lot of events, all of those things I mentioned increase exponentially (database calls, javascript processing time). If you are displaying expired events in addition to upcoming events, you might try disabling that ([ESPRESSO_CALENDAR show_expired="false"]), but I think that should be set to off by default.


October 21, 2012 at 1:13 pm

This is happening to me also. What I did was use reoccurring events plugin to setup an event Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of every week until 2014. Reoccurring events plugin created all the events no problem. The calendar wont render and times out. In the short code is there a way to say stop the calendar at 2013.

How about:
[ESPRESSO_CALENDAR max_range=”October, 15, 2013″ min_range=”October, 15, 2012″]

I can probably go back and delete a ton of events that were created but I’m wondering if there are know solutions or work arounds to this.


  • Support Staff

October 22, 2012 at 7:57 am

Hi Chris,

The calendar does not have a date range filter/parameter. One thing you could do though is create a category for all events that occur in 2012, and assign these to that category. Then you can display these by adding the category parameter to the calendar shortcode:

[ESPRESSO_CALENDAR event_category_id=”twentytwelve”]

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