
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium License Reassignment

License Reassignment

Posted: September 20, 2012 at 9:18 pm

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Chris McKellar

September 20, 2012 at 9:18 pm

Perhaps I missed something, but I needed a different domain while testing out the website before pushing it live. Now you are charging $10 so I can switch the license from ‘test’ to the production domain? Please let me know if there is another way to resolve this. The site has been live for a number of weeks, but EE started behaving strangely today and I suspect it is because of this disparity.

Please advise,


Seth Shoultes

September 20, 2012 at 10:46 pm

Hi Chris,

We allow a one-time free reset when moving from a test server to a live server. I have reset your license. You may also need to do this too:

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