
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium License key troubles and payment status not being properly recognized

License key troubles and payment status not being properly recognized

Posted: December 11, 2012 at 2:44 pm

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December 11, 2012 at 2:44 pm

Hi all,

We have the infamous: “You have the correct Site License Key for…” error messages.

We’re also having a problem with Purchases not being reflected properly so our attendees don’t get notification of signing up for events. I wonder if the two items are related.

All the short codes seem to be working fine. We use PP for payments.



  • Support Staff

December 11, 2012 at 3:31 pm

Hi there,

I can assure you that these are two separate issues. The license key message has to do with the plugin updater.

Please see this post for more information about what to do about that message:

What we can do is reset the key for your site. I’ll reset that right now, and what you can do next is go to Event Espresso>General settings on your site and remove the key there and save. Then you can go to your account page and copy then paste the key from the account page into the key field in Event Espresso>General Settings, then save again.

For the second issue, are the payments not getting marked as complete after a payment is made in PayPal? If so, installing the simplified transactions page template may help:


December 11, 2012 at 3:37 pm

Thanks Josh! Will give those a shot.

I appreciate your help!

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