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LearnDash and EE4

Posted: July 1, 2014 at 4:49 pm

Ryan Woodman

July 1, 2014 at 4:49 pm

I wanted to move to EE4 to add adaptive elearning to our offline courses but I am not sure that I understand the learndash integration. EE4 is the only version that integrates but it does not yet have WP User module. When students buy a class, they become registered in learndash but do not become registered members of our site? Does that mean that learndash is completely responsible for the user experience/dashboard and they have no membership access to buy future courses or manage their account? Second, I want my instructors to be able to manage students and drip content. Since EE4 does not yet have roles and permissions, how can I let instructors have limited access to manage students content AND ensure that the accounts were paid up (membership intact) before they do so. Is this also completely handled by learndash? I can’t see this working very well until EE4 is fully fleshed out with the appropriate add-ons unless I am missing something. Please help me out and sort what program will handle what on the back end.


July 2, 2014 at 6:41 am

Hi Ryan,

I can’t see this working very well until EE4 is fully fleshed out with the appropriate add-ons unless I am missing something

I do understand what you are saying here, I believe the integration will be improved once the WP User Integration and Roles and Permissions addons are built for EE4.

If we had created the Learndash addon, we would have probably waited until those other addons were available. However, Learndash themselves created the Learndash addon (which is why it is only available from their site).

Right now the best advice I can give would be to use a third party membership plugin to block off events to non registered/logged in users (this should be easy enough as events are now Custom Post Types),

Limiting admin access will prove to be more difficult though, as looking at the Learndash addon there does not seem to be any settings in place to deal with staff using the addon.

Ryan Woodman

July 2, 2014 at 1:01 pm

So it would seem that I should wait on migrating to ee4 at this point until that is completed. I am sure everyone is asking but is there a projected time frame for when those addons will be out of beta? I am looking to start working on the adaptive learning portions this summer. They will likely take at least 300 hours to complete our first modules and I wanted to try and make it available to our students enrolled in the September sessions. Lastly, once the time is right, I would like to pay for assistance doing the update and migrating/validating our database. We have been using EE since before it was EE and our database is fairly sizable at this point. What will be the best way to contact someone to get that done?


  • Support Staff

July 3, 2014 at 11:03 am

Hi Ryan,

We don’t have projected time frames for Event Espresso add-ons, but I can tell you that the MailChimp add-on is what’s up next. We’re also working on adding a layer of user capability hooks so that Event Espresso access can be filtered for different user roles.

If you’re currently up to date with Event Espresso 3, the data migration tool in Event Espresso 4 will automatically update the tables, with the exception where there’s customized data fields in Event Espresso’s tables. If that’s the case,
you might consider contacting one of the recommended developers for help with the database migrations. Here’s a link to the list of pros we can recommend:

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