
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Latvia: Conversion from LVL to Euro

Latvia: Conversion from LVL to Euro

Posted: January 23, 2014 at 5:54 pm

Thomasin Ringler

January 23, 2014 at 5:54 pm

Dear Event Espresso,

We are organizing an international conference in Latvia in 2014. In January 2014, Latvia converted from the LVL to the Euro, however this has not been updated in Event Espresso and the LVL still comes up as the currency when you select Latvia as the location country. Can you please update this information as we are hoping to go live with our registration very soon. Thank you for your attention to this matter.



  • Support Staff

January 24, 2014 at 2:44 am

Hi Thomasin Ringler,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, I have raised a ticket for this to be altered in future releases of Event Espresso.

In the mean time you can edit the file ‘event-espresso/includes/organication_config.php’ line 113.

case 'LVA' : $org_options['currency_symbol'] = 'LVL'; //Latvian

Change that line to be:

case 'LVA' : $org_options['currency_symbol'] = 'EUR'; //Latvian

Hope that helps.

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